

Every Monday we ask our audience to share their stories with us on Instagram. We would love for you to join us and share what each photo says to you.




Photo Credit: Bobbie Prosser

Story Credit: Stephanie LePape

The estate thieves collected all items they deemed a suitable profit. The house, now abandoned hosted squatters. Beneath a pile of rubbish Daisy noticed something shiny.  The morning light seemed to intentionally bring her attention to it. At first she met disappointment. Once more she’d go hungry. Yet gazing at this nameless portrait she found her thought drifting far beyond her destitute state. “Who was this man? What was his life? Why are we here? To live a short life only to find any memory of us buried amongst unwanted material. A forgotten remnant  of a life lived -full of history that dies with the last surviving witness to it.” She felt motivated to pick herself up and out of this space. She was determined to make sense of this life -short lived and full of agitation. The weight of her travels  proved light. A gold framed life of one who ignited her thoughts with purpose.


Photo Credit: Daniel Berman

Story Credit: Ness & Pam

Ness and Pam offered two wonderful stories. Ness had the idea of combining the two. Below find their individual tales followed by both blended together.

Ness’ Story

Never wear a T Shirt with a logo, or a pair of shoes that someone would remember; be in the background and remain inconspicuous. A successful undercover meeting requires not only a sense of timing, but also the understanding that even the smallest out of place gesture could blow their cover. Jake would stay sitting there for a while longer; the pass had been successful and he was fairly confident their activity was undetected – all the old boy had to do now was to make it to the hotel and the operation would be complete.

Pam’s Story

It’s easy to look out on the world when you’re young… inviting into your vision anything fate might throw at you. But after you’ve taken enough trips around the sun, and exited enough cemetery gates, you find yourself seeking a narrower focus. I don’t look too far ahead because I really don’t want to see what’s coming.

The Blended Story edited by Pam

The exchange was executed flawlessly even if the agents just seemed to get younger and younger, the old man thought. But this one was smooth, not over-eager as so many others that lacked years of experience often were. He imagined the kid behind him quietly observing the oblivious people around them enjoying the park. It’s easy to look out on the world when you’re young… inviting into your vision anything fate might throw at you. But after you’ve taken enough trips around the sun, and exited enough cemetery gates you find yourself seeking a narrower focus. I don’t look too far ahead because I really don’t want to see what’s coming. And what’s coming- well, no need to contemplate that. These feet know their way well enough.


Photo Credit: Natsuhiko Kakutani

Story Credit: Susan Peck

Zelda smoked her morning cig as she gazed down into her human terrarium. Looks like there’d been some trouble overnight. “Hmmph”, grumped Zelda to herself. Another hunting party to plan.


Photo Credit: Koichi

Story Credit: Anna Cox

She felt she had almost perfected the art of being a wallflower until Susan walked in. That boot wearing, burn your bra sass mouth could always out lean her.

About Author

Tommy Wallace