

I don’t believe in perfection, there is no such thing.

من به كمال اعتقاد ندارم، همچين چيزى وجود ندارد.



Emotion is all that an artist can offer their audience, and I’m no exception; for me, it is about a good feeling.

احساس تمام چيزيست كه يك هنرمند ميتواند ارائه كند و من نيز از اين قاعده مستثنا نيستم، براي من موضوع فقط انتقال يك حس خوب است.



Beyond time and place, the only things which remain are the moments we capture.

فراتر از زمان و مكان، تنها چيزى كه باقى مى ماند لحظاتى است كه ثبت ميكنيم.



The third eye plays with the seconds and makes a century out of them.

چشم سوم ثانيه ها را به بازى ميگيرد و از آنها قرن مى سازد.




When time stops, you observe, and capture.

وقتى كه زمان مي ايستد، تو نظاره ميكنى، تو ثبت ميكنى.



The universe is yours; only emotion is powerful enough to help your hands stop the moments you encounter.

جهان مال توست، فقط احساس آنقدر قدرتمند است كه به دستان تو كمك كند تا دنياى روبرويت را متوقف كنى.



My name is Alireza Sheshmani, a photographer based in Tehran, Iran.
I’ve been taking photos for almost 4 years.
I started in the style of fine art and documentary, but for now it is mostly documentary.
I use an iPhone 5s as my camera because I found it to be the right device for my purpose, that is, getting close to people without getting noticed.


Alireza can be found on Instagram as @iranstreets.

About Author

Jeff Kelley
Jeff can usually be found roaming the streets of Northampton, Massachusetts, pretending to deliver mail. Between deliveries he takes pictures with his iPhone, always in search of new ways of interpreting the world around him. His editing style ranges from minimal to outrageous, and constant experimentation, collaboration, and inspiration from other mobile photographers keeps Jeff motivated to try new things.