Valeria Cammareri

Valeria Cammareri  Milan, Italy

Artist Statement


Fin dalla mia infanzia mi piace raccontare storie: da piccola creavo musicals che poi rappresentavo nel mio teatrino di marionette. I miei genitori mi prendevano in giro perche’ ingigantivo la realtà . Mi piaceva modificarla e romanzarla,  non tanto per il gusto di mentire  quanto piuttosto  per renderla migliore arricchendo di fascino i fatti della vita di tutti i giorni. Non ho nutrito alcuna particolare passione per la fotografia fino all’ Ottobre 2013, quando ho aperto un account (@_soulkitchen_)  su Instagram, con lo scopo di scrivere un diario di immagini. Faccio fotografie con iPhone , iPad e una piccola CanonG15.  Mi ritengo una contemplativa e non mi interessa rappresentare la realtà  per quello che e’ ma piuttosto i ricordi, i desideri e l’ essenza  della bellezza femminile. Mi piace che nelle mie fotografie vi siano persone perche’ la componente umana aggiunge emozione e mistero, ma non sono un’ autrice di ritratti nel senso stretto del termine. Ritraggo persone  generalmente senza volto, e le uso come parti di me : del passato, del presente, o che non ho mai avuto. Se qualcosa attira la mia attenzione o se mi viene un’ idea immediatamente penso a come effettuare il passaggio dall’ immaginato all’ immagine. Tutti gli amici  sanno  di questa mia ossessione e accettano con grande pazienza e disponibilità  di posare per me senza condizioni ( e generalmente ci divertiamo un sacco durante la messa in scena).


Since my childhood I have been a storyteller: I used to invent musicals for puppets. My parents would tease me as they perceived I magnified reality. What I liked was not to hide the truth but rather, to give more drama or beauty to the ordinary facts of my life. I wasn’t particularly fond of photography until October of 2013, when I created an account @_soulkitchen_ on Instagram,  starting a diary of images. I shoot with both mobile devices (iPhone and iPad) and a little Canon G15.  I’m a contemplative, not interested in representing reality, but rather memories, desires, and the core of feminine beauty. I love having people in my images, as the human component adds mood and mystery; but I’m not a portrait shooter. The people in my shots are generally faceless, and I use them as pieces of myself: past, present, or never had.  If something captures my attention, or if I have an idea about a story to tell, I immediately think of how to shift it from my imagination to an image.  My friends know this, and are very cooperative with my obsession; unconditionally posing for me (usually we have a lot of fun during the staging).

24hourproject: Grryo Editor Version

I think the last time I tried to stay up for 24 hours straight was circa 1993, during my freshman year of college. The results then were less than stellar, I ended up falling asleep in my dorm room and missing my Italian midterm. Thankfully, this time, I did a little better. I started out with a 1.5 hour nap at 10:30pm and then it was off to Northampton, Massachusetts to meet up with my friend.

Barbie’s secret life

It’s a muffled world in which Barbie lives, far away from the limelight; a full collection of 48 dolls is shown in elegant images where vibrant colours are softened by dim light. It’s a gallery full of details where Maria Soldi accompanies her delicate images with words both personal and borrowed. Barbie is shown to us in her everyday life. There’s nothing spectacular in what she does, but she is magical, like special people are. This Barbie is us.
