Storms come and storms go. Sometimes they leave you untouched other times they wreak havoc on what you hold dear. Lately, we have had string after string of bad weather. Snow, rain, tornados and hail have followed one another closely. It seems that we catch our breath and then another storm rolls in. Our umbrellas and boots barely dry before they are drenched again. I, unlike my great Danes and eight year old, love a storm. The kind that lights the room up and shakes the window panes. The power behind a storm is amazing in a knee bending, breath taking kind of way.
The last four years of my life have been a time of change and growth. All of the roles I played were stolen by the storm in my life and I barely recovered from the damage. I have emerged in the last year a different person, changed for the better. If not for the soul drenching storm I stood in I can honestly say I wouldn’t be here writing this, watching my son play, or awaiting the birth of the sweet boy that’s growing in my womb.
Normally, I am the one teaching my boy lessons or imparting what knowledge I have about life. I’m not sure he always hears me but I do hope he tucks it away in his heart to think on another day. Last week, it was my son who taught me a lesson. We were walking home from a friend’s house when J noticed storm clouds. He looked at me and said simply, “there is always another storm coming.” I didn’t think much of it then but later his words came back to me. The truth of them hit my square in the face. No matter how many storms come. No matter how well we weather the storms there are always more. Life is filled with lightening and thunder but after the storms we can go puddle jumping. After the storms we are wet but we are clean, we are nourished to bloom. Without the rains we cannot bloom in the spring of our life. Life brings many things to our doorstep but it’s our choice wether we will bend like a sapling or stand like an elm.
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Oh Anna so well written and so true. I also love storms. As an addition we can’t worry about what storms may be ahead either. Your J is a wise little soul. Best of luck to the storm you will be facing in just a few weeks, the storm of childbirth and a newborn but those storms are pretty sweet.
Thank you for the thoughtful comment. And I really like the part about not all storms being bad ones. Thank you for the love and encouragement xxoo
“Without the rains we cannot bloom in the spring of our life.” you made my day . Peace
Yay! Glad I could help 🙂
So Beautifully written Ana ! Yes Life does bring many things at our doorstep but it often takes a dévastating storm for us to Finally be ready to hear and see … bend down and emerge a différent person, more true to oneself and wiser !!! Your boy is learning fast from Life and very wise for his âge .. And you are à beautiful soul beloved Anna ! Hé hears what you teach him and bears it in his heart ???????? this article resonates deep down sweets .. Let’s bloom in thé spring of our lives !!! You indeed made my day .. Much LOo•oOve Laurence @ecnerual ??
Much love to you darling!!! Thank you for taking the time to read it! And yes I have decided to find joy in all the storms that come my way. Xoxo
Love your words Anna!
Thank you sweetness xxoo and thank you for taking the time to read it.
Your words truly touch me. You have such a skill for writing. I look forward to more! x
Thank you Jo 🙂 I appreciate the encouragement <3
Love how how you expressed this. My son the other day said to me, “never give up” – he still has me thinking… they do teach us so much!
They do I agree!!! I am always amazed at his uncomplicated view of the world. I envy it most of the time!
Only a delicate heart and a wise star mama like you are can write about storms and move me/us to tears.
then again you wonder why i/we™ adore you
XOXOX I adore my minimals too.
I love this, Anna.
Thank you Heidi much love xo