It’s JUXT basics here at the JUXT schoolhouse. Grab your chalkboard and leave Susy Jane’s braids alone! Don’t make me tell you again!
Alright class lets talk basics. Now there are plenty of basics we could discuss: basic training, basic cooking skills, or your basic white t shirt. But what I really want to discuss are the basics of photography. The nitty gritty, down and dirty compositional elements that make a good picture great. Way too often I see a good picture that could have been great if the photographer had only shot from a different angle, lined the photo up a tad straighter, or utilized the natural light.
So twice a month grab your lunch bag and meet me back here to get some tips to use next time you shoot. Now, none of this is earth shattering. I’m not going to turn you into a professional photographer but I can make you feel a little bit prouder about your work. Plus the best part- The better the original picture the less editing afterwards!
So put your editing apps away in your desk for a bit. Let’s talk composition.
First things first, let’s talk about horizon lines. It’s exactly what it sounds like- the line where the sky meets the ground. Why is this important you ask? Because for your homework your going to have to chase a rainbow and the horizon line is a good thing to know. Pot of gold anyone!? But really. Next time you line up a photo, line up your horizon line to be perfectly horizontal across the frame. If you’re in a city or shooting a building and can’t find the horizon, use the base of the building or a door frame. I know it sounds silly but making sure your photo is “framed up” straight really helps in post processing. {Most in app cameras have some sort of grid in the veiw finder}
So there you go kids. Your first tip. It didn’t hurt at all, did it? Now I expect to see lots of perfectly aligned photos in the coming weeks.
If you decide you want to try tag me on IG @annacox or +annacox on G+ and add the hash #juxtschoolhouse OR email photos to [email protected]. I will be posting A+ assignments before our next lesson.
Class is dismissed
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“Plus the best part- The better the original picture the less editing afterwards!
So put your editing apps away in your desk for a bit. Let’s talk composition…”
LADYMINIMAL how i love you.
Class dismissed
and how i adore you my friend <3
Looking forward to the next lesson… and great idea, btw xo
thanks sweets!
HAHAHAH!!! Yes!!! So looking forward to next lesson, teach!
Why thank ya Ryan! I trust youll be a good pupil;)
OK, Ms. Cox, I hear your point, but I’d rather take that second image and tilt it even more! Its problem is its angle is just not steep enough. 😉 … I’ll probably be more compliant with the next topic. 🙂
Hahahaha!!!! Yeah I hear you. :*
Greay idea Anna.
I am partial to the odd wonky wall, I think it adds a little character to a picture…..sometimes.
Horizons though, that’s another matter. I should be the wonky horizon police! Seeing wonky horizons drives me crazy! Hahaha
Ok…..*runs away*
I agree with both you and Jen sometimes a wonky wall is a good thing. But mostly slightly crooked makes me CRAZY!! Haha