When starting the still life lounge, #stilllifelounge, Jen (@ikebana_jen) and I (@annacox) took into account the beauty of the mundane. The objects you see everyday but pass over for cityscapes or similar grandiose shots. The lounge is a place where we slow down and take in the details. The themes change weekly and vary widely. We do hope you will join our little community.
This week our theme was bicycles and our highlights are from Russell, @russelldlight and Wei, @dubster_
It’s a montage of two photos I took last week in London, one on Old Street and the other at the British Museum. I posted them separately on IG, then noticed the similarity between the shapes and started playing with it. I montaged them in Sketchbook, then used Snapseed to make the image b/w, increased contrast, changed the white balance and darkened the edges. Both images had been squared up using FrontView, which meant aligning them in the montage, gave a nice banded effect.-RussellTo see more of Russell’s work:IG: @russelldlightweb: russelldlight.blogspot.comtwitter: russelldlightIn fastpaced Singapore, bikes are usually used for recreation or for the short trip from the home to the train station/supermarket. Bike racks have been installed all over but cyclists are still a minority. There has been efforts to make our city greener by encouraging biking but the high rate of accidents, lack of safe riding tracks (latest from the government “no go for cycling lanes on the road”) have deterred most.Walked past this and half of the rack was barely filled. Just brings to mind how we Singaporeans have been too accustomed to the aircon comforts of our wide network of trains, buses and cabs, and of course, the hideously expensive cars.I guess bikes will always be reserved for those who have realised that a slower pace in life might bring more good versus those those who have been brought up with the constant need to be more efficient/stronger/faster/
richer. It’s a running joke amongst my friends that I can’t cycle… well the older I grow, the need to learn grows. I want to learn to slow down my pace and take in the moment while the world zooms me by. I’ll start… soon.
-WeiTo see more of Wei’s work”IG: @dubster_To see our new theme check @annacox or @ikebana_jen (both on Instagram) for details on Sundays
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