
The #stilllifelounge is a place where we slow down and take a closer look at our surroundings. Great shots come from everywhere, wether it be a cityscape or a bowl of fruit. Join us as we make the everyday items beautiful. Check @annacox or @ikebana_jen for  details.

This week in the lounge we set a theme based around ‘Red’ objects. We were dazzled as the tagged exploded with colour. Our showcase is from @sannature who combines geometric patterns with motifs from the natural world in uniquely seamless and elegant style. If you havent seen her feed, youre in for a real treat. As always, thankyou for tagging to the @stilllifelounge, we really enjoy your company.


I wanted to create something with a certain feeling of autumn and the
autumn color red. I always try to put in nature in my images and this
time I chose maple leaves. The Process was pretty simple: I used
Eraser to separate the leaves from each other and the background, then
I put them together again in Blender with a new background made in
Picfx. The lines and circles are made in Montage - Sandra, @sannature

About Author

Anna Cox
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