The #stilllifelounge is a place where we slow down and take a closer look at our surroundings. Great shots come from everywhere, wether it be a cityscape or a bowl of fruit. Join us as we make the everyday items beautiful. Check @annacox or @ikebana_jen for details.
This week our theme was metal and we recived some really solid entries. Below are a couple of fantastic highlghts from the week.
Of all the great parts of making images on my phone, I like being able to focus on repeating forms, lines, and patterns. After being taught years ago that cropping photos is a cardinal sin, I really relish that activity the most, and still feel naughty when I do. My editing process is pretty unsophisticated. All of my images are made on an HTC Incredible, which was already obsolete at the time of purchase. I’ve been using PicShop for editing; A quick click of the auto-brightness box, and a vintage filter are used here. #stilllifelounge was one of the first forums on IG that I found, and I am super grateful to Anna and Jen for their support. <3 -crystal, @faithmichael
I took this shot on a virtualinstawalk (@virtualinstawalk) one of Southern Oregon’s gem towns called Jacksonville. It’s full of historical,small town charm with amazing things to capture from old brick buildings, where I found this shot, to apple and pear trees! It’s one of my favorite spots to go shoot any season but especially fall. @virtualinstawalk is a group that was started by @lowf .The basic premise is that anyone on IG can take a walk around the same time or day put together a grid of pictures to share, then edit them however you want and then tag them for everyone to see… So your sharing your walk in your part of the world while others are sharing yours… @lowf started it then she choose a host and we kept go from there! We just had our 15th walk this time with two host! It’s a great way to meet new IGers and see their part of the world! kris, @leftcoastadventures
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