We have been taking a short interlude over at the lounge spending time with family and traveling. Well, Jen has been doing the travelling. Check her stream, @ikebana_jen to see some beautiful stills from her travels.
Our look back at the lounge this week was the theme of groupings of threes. Larissa @larissakalinka tagged a delicate image full of gorgeous textures. – Anna Cox
More often than not, I return home from my wanderings (big and small) with little found treasures in my pockets or bag. Like a Bowerbird, I take those treasures home and decorate my nest with them. Unlike the Bowerbird though, I don’t display these treasures to impress others… Those gems are really like (soul)food, both for me and my art.
For the Still Life Lounge theme ‘Grouping of three items’ (Jeeej! three, my favorite number), I kind of randomly picked some of the found gems and put them on a piece of paper that I was working on at the moment. And then, it can take forever and a couple of shots…or more (it’s all about detail and atmosphere) till I have the image that I seem to be looking for.
I love the #stilllifelounge because it has every thing to do with seeing beauty in everyday life. It’s a wonderful way to see all the different treasures (and all things become one, just by taking the time to really see them… and at times even take a picture). But maybe even more important, it’s a great way to connect with other Bowerbirds.
Thank you Anna and Jen for creating this wonderful tag and inspiration. I feel honored and am truly grateful!
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congrats on the feature dear Larissa!
“Seeing beauty in everyday life.” I love that about your photographs, Larissa!