A Charity Event for FM4 Paso Libre organization
LARVA (Laboratorio de Artes Variedades) , Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
12.12.12 – 12.18.12
Organized and curated by Juxter Hector Navarro
Our Mission: All images will sell them to raise funds for this organization, but also people can participate by dontating things they need (clothing – undergarments, jeans, shirts or money). We want minimun to raise $1400 USD.
All human beings deserve the best quality of life. For some it is simple and for others, they may have to struggle and suffer to reach a dignified standard of living.
Art is a journey of exploration and evolution, and added to the technology and the new ways of interacting through social networks among people around the world, all this becomes a powerful tool for positive action for a common good.
From that came the name “DREAM Without Borders“, there should be NO barrier to having better conditions of life and spirit.
Many people go out of their bubble to help others ease their situation in moments that become internal growth experiences and remain into memory as an example that everyone is equal.
Fm4 PASO LIBRE helps migrants in transit passing through the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico seeking a better present and future. We Are Juxt members have donated some of their art and photographs to raise funds and thereby help this non-profit organization.
In addition will present in another room a photo exhibition on the theme “Migration” organized by igersMexico together with UDG Radio Media, showing 18 photos convened to #Mexigers_migracion challenge selected them by a guest judge.
It will screen a video of 3 students from TEC de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara, “LOS Nadie“ is a record of a collaborative project with 6 migrants who made clay figures to express their emotions through them.
To find out more about the work of this organization FM4, you can visit their website.
Some of the Photographs in the event:
Photo Credit: Fabs G
Photo Credit: Fahmi R
Photo Credit: Hector N
Photo Credit: Jen L P
Photo Credit: Leisa D
Photo Credit: Sam S.
Presented by
We Are Juxt / igersMexico / Radio UDG Medios
Main Sponsors
Fotográfica Navarro ( fotograficanavarro.com ) / Viva_ “Cultura y Expresión Viva de Jalisco A.C.” /Anfora / LOB footwear
Media Sponsors
La Tentacion Gallery, Tijuana / La Caja Mágica ( Photography radio station) / Contrasentido ( online magazine) / instagramers.com
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