Indie Tags: NYEKUNDU by Hector Navarro
My purpose here is to to discuss those creative and inspiring “Hashtags” (#) that in some way were fundamental in the early months of Instagram. They became ways in which you could discover and meet amazing and talented people, sharing similar ideas and obsessions.
These were certainly fun days where at times I found myself trying to catch snapshots to fit into one of these topics. Something I enjoyed was when a photo could belong to more than one of these hashtags. I think this didn’t have much to do with photography but the intention was to explore, share and enjoy.
INDIE TAGS – born from the idea that they are very distinct labels and separate from all those that are popular and full with a lot of trash and spam.
I was able to co-create several Indie Tags. They were created with great friends with two purposes: 1. have fun and 2. find people who share the same idea and similar tastes that caught our eyes. These images could be shared in seconds with the aim of a thematic visual pleasure.
I hope you enjoy this hashtag and I will publish the other Indie Tags soon, with a specific showcase every time.
In the month of February we see plenty of red everywhere, so I’m starting with the tag #Nyekundu.
#Nyekundu was created on 23-09-2011 by Hans; there are currently 2190+photos in the gallery.
“Nyekundu – in my point of view – is about sharing the interest and mutual love of the color red. The color of life, passion, joy and love – red means so many different things to us. And that’s what’s so cool about it. It affects us differently. Nyekundu is about all of that—and the color red. I think the reason that I chose a Swahilian name for the tag was that it wouldn’t be too obvious. My idea was that it should stand apart from more obvious tags and make people wonder a bit. That, plus I think that Swahili is a cool language. Maybe I should add that I don’t speak Swahili at all.” – Hans
I remember having early discussions on whether there should be any rules for the tag, like there should be at least 50% red in the picture, but (thankfully) we never got there. It was just about having red in pictures, no matter how much.
The following 15 images are chosen by Hans, Suzanne and myself:
Photo by : @thenadj
Photo by : @artverso
Photo by : @artpen
Photo by : @debralandis
Photo by : @Kenflik
Photo by : @norbertvannunen
Photo by : @momisonig
Photo by : @il_david
Photo by : @evhane
Photo by : @evhane
Photo by : @clarkey
Photo by : @photoplatz
Photo by : @onuria
Photo by : @tato_62
Photo by : @ximoteo
I’m a proud, uncomplicated Northern Californian residing just a few miles north of San Francisco. While I love to photograph people (and my pug Fergus), my images often showcase pieces of local landscape and all that I find to be naturally beautiful about the place I call home. But, that being said— I do not view my world with a single “lens” or represent it using a single photographic style; you’ll find glitch art next to wet-plate processes and mobile photography alongside DSLR work in my portfolio. I enjoy curating the Nyekundu tag on Instagram with Hans and Hector, and am so pleased that the collection has attracted the quality of “art celebrating red” that it has– we hope you’ll join us!
Follow her: Instagram / Flickr
A good picture is a good picture is a… Don’t ask me what a good picture is though. I can’t tell you. For me it’s all about a feeling. Whether it’s abstract, a nature scene, a smiling kid or a graphic image — you know a good picture when you see one. The image hits something that’s already within you.
I’m Hans. I’m working as something so poetic as a procurement consultant in the real-estate business and live in a southern suburb of Stockholm, Sweden. Mobile photography became real for me in late 2010. The simplicity to take a photo, the ability to edit it – wherever, whenever… My imagination has been running away with me ever since.
Follow him: Instagram
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Love all this RED!