Continuing from the first installment of the “Indie Tags” series #nyekundu, I now present a second tag created on Instagram with another wonderful group of friends. #0o0 shows our love, delirium and obsession with circles among many other things.
Circles, the reoccurring theme with #0o0, can be found in any form (except artificially generated with editing apps) in various places – on the floor, objects, street signs, holes, windows and endless exciting performances.
Once I mentioned that Instagram to me is like my taxonomy diary in which I collect, record, compile and separate the simple things that catch my attention. I get caught by some feature of formal beauty or simply to evoke a sense of satisfaction to live it.
If you love circles, you’ll love this tag along with the selections we have made.
Jolanda explains :
I was really excited to find out that all these guys from all over the world, Hector (Mexico), Michael (UK), José (Mexico), Matt (Australia) and Ozan (Turkey), were collecting full frame circles too. Together we wanted to share our pics so we invented #0o0. I believe it was Hector who proposed to use a tag and Matt who came up with 0o0 name and, in no time, had a lot of pics in our tag and friends who joined us.
#0o0’s first picture was tagged on 11-10-2011 by Michael; there are currently 5626+photos in the gallery.
Photo by : @xxxxxk7
Photo by : @macenzo
Photo by: @lesslee63
Photo by: @laura_noriega
Photo by: @juliegeb
Photo by: @fujimax1978
Photo by: @bmjaworski
Photo by: @benolivares
Photo by: @delstelle
Photo by: @roszcorrero
Photo by: @sadecefrd
Photo by: @strangers_opus
Photo by: @thenewinstacraig
Photo by: @subtlebro
Photo by: @iccattivik
Photo by: @jolandamoose
I started with IG early 2011 and was instantly hooked, images are much more valuable to me than words.
I work as a graphic (web) designer in the Netherlands and IG inspired me a lot.
Nowadays there are a lot circle tags, but in the beginning I thought I was the only one collecting circles. I started collecting them when I went to art school (90’s, analog) and rediscovered this addiction on IG.
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What an impressive collection!