The Art of Alexandre by Anna Cox
I came across the work of Alexandre while looking through the #wearegrryo tag on IG. I am in awe of most mobile artists and Alexandre is no exception. While in school, my art focus was on the human body and my chosen format was oils. I have a deep love and appreciation for those who can create nudes without the sexual component that our society so often adds. I think it is the painterly feel to many of Alexandre’s edits that felt like a breath of fresh air. I was immediately in love with his work and couldn’t wait to share him with you here.
A: Alexandre AC: Anna
AC: Tell us a little bit about you and perhaps touch on your creative philosophy.
A: I’m Alexandre. I’m french and I live at Marseille. I work in a leading company’s financial department.I’ve never had skills in photography, but I’ve always been fascinated by images through photography, cinema, comics… since I was a boy. And now, I’m moreover fascinated by bodies. I like creating things, it’s almost vital for me. I did drama, short films, and I still play music. But in retrospect, I’ve realised that I manage to express myself much better through Iphoneography or Mobile Art.
I’m quite interested in new technology. I bought the Iphone 3, and liked the new design as well as the practical aspect of the (ecran tactile); then, I digged out the new apps, especially those dedicated to retouch and modification.
I’m a great fan of printed shirts (super heroes, films, etc..). I collect them. But as some got unobtainable, or no longer existed, I thought It would be a great idea to make them myself. This is how I ended up retouching photos. Now, retouching and editing is the best way to explore my deep inner feelings, using it as a therapy. Those feelings can be part of me or part of other people who bring me some kind of inspiration through relationship.
AC: What is it about the human body inspires you?
A: i don’t know exactly. I just find it so beautiful, lines and curves.
AC: Would you categorize your images as nudes or as erotic?
A: What do you think?
AC: (grins) touche’ . Being naked has multiple connotations, which ones do you think your work evokes?
A: I don’t care what feeling is evoked. We are all different and see what we want to see.
AC: Could you share your favorite image with us?
A: I’m touched by various kind of atmosphere. It’s hard to choose, but I’d select this one. It does match with what I want to give (to express pour “exprimer”) at the moment. It’s linked to the pose, the movement, a mixture of dream and reality. I tried to keep the body aspect as close as reality. I love the effects. The difficulty was to find the right balance to get the right final touch between dream and reality. And the vintage touch obtained by scratches and tonality.
We are connected?
AC: Share with us how you get out of a creative slump.
A: Very good question! I must admit, these phases are difficult to deal with. The brain needs some rest. But I always try to get inspired by anything, at any time. When I fail, I try to change direction, exploring different things. This is how I may find some unexpected sources of inspiration. If not, I would just leave it, and come back later with a fresh view.
AC: Would you mind to share a few influences?
A: Many people do nice edits, but it tends to be the same, you will find the same kind of atmosphere. I do respect their work, though. I know I’m mostly inspired by the same subject that is the body, but I always try to treat it in a different way.
The people I’m impressed by are people who can change direction, challenge themselves, who manage to do the simplest as well as the more complex things :
– Alice LaComte (friend German Artist)
– Helmut Newton
– M83 (It’s a band)
– @alabamawonder (Marta is a Spanish friend from Instagram).
AC: Have there been any pivotal moments in your journey?
A: Oui, les rencontres.
Un jour une amie m’a dit “…les rencontres te porteront… ». Elle avait raison comme d’habitude.
Alexandre thank you so much for your time and energy for this interview! I look forward to seeing more of your work.
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