
I had no idea how differently I would see you the first time I saw a tiny baby placed into your arms. My tiny baby. That sacred piece of my heart that was reserved just for that moment…exposed. Nothing has been the same since that whirlwind day that you turned from just my man into their father.

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There is nothing quite like seeing a man brought to their knees to console the love of their life from the pain of a scraped knee. You look more handsome than ever with our curly haired cupid on your hip. You have never sounded so wise as when you described to our fiery girl why she must stand her ground and forge her own fate.


I watch you watching them more intently each time. Your eyes ignite at the sight of these tiny souls and my heart is once again mush. Nothing else matters. The way you look at our creation, like that tiny mass of rolls is the center of the universe, is indescribable. I will never see you the same as I did when I so naively thought that I couldn’t possibly love you any more.

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You were made for this. Every piece of your being is perfectly aligned as a father; the father to my babies. Lucky me.


About Author

Natalie Maddon
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