
When was the last time you stopped to examine the way the light falls across the floor or how a petal connects to the stem?

My guess is, it’s been awhile. When starting the still life lounge, #stilllifelounge on IG, Jen (@ikebana_jen) and I took into account the beauty of the mundane. The objects you see everyday but pass over for cityscapes or similar grandiose shots. The lounge is a place where we slow down and take in the details. The small things that force you to take a closer look at everyday objects. Out of our tag has grown a beautiful community of photographers that like to rest in the mundane also.

Every week we introduce a new subject and take the time to encourage one another. We do hope you’ll stop by and smell the roses with us soon.


This week our selected image is from @di_o_ge_nes

artist statement:

“This is our unorganized pots and pans section in the house. When i saw the challenge posted i thought the look of the pots were perfect including the lighting.

I also happen to LOVE RED, so when i saw it all together I felt it enhanced my shot.”

About Author

Anna Cox
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