
When starting the still life lounge, #stilllifelounge,  Jen (@ikebana_jen) and I (@annacox) took into account the beauty of the mundane. The objects you see everyday but pass over for cityscapes or similar grandiose shots. The lounge is a place where we slow down and take in the details.

Here is this weeks highlight:

This wall caught my eye early one morning. I liked how the early morning sun was just catching the leaves making them glow against the brick  It was on the side of a parking garage in the old town part of Wichita, Kansas and I thought how perfect for the #stilllifelounge and even better, it was a P, my initial.

I ran it through Snapseed for cropping and color correction and blended it with a version from Glaze to intensify the color and finished it off with a frame from Phototoaster.

-Paula, @luapajean

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Anna Cox
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