by Grryo Community | Jun 4, 2016 | Stories, You Are Grryo
When I first arrived in Peru, in 1979, photography had somehow already shaped my impression of the place. Before leaving London I had been to an exhibition of the work of Martin Chambi, the brilliant photographer from Cusco whose work from the 1920s and 30s seemed not so distant from what I was now observing …
Shadows, 1979.
The above image is about the permanence and timelessness of the indigenous presence in Cusco – that echo of a pre-colonial past which still pervades the old Inca capital.
International Bank of Peru, 1979.
For a time I had a sense of time moving more slowly than I was used to – of a world from long ago that seemed cut off from the speediness of my reality – and I set about documenting it through my photographs. ‘The New Incas’, published in 1983, was the book that resulted (and which I’m currently working on the revised edition of).
But it was the photographers who really seemed most emblematic of this. And so, in the ancient Inca capital, I began to document the world of the photographers of Cusco…
Inside the darkroom, 1979.
Shown above is a street photographer of the old school in Cusco, plying his trade in the Plaza de Armas. Having taken a portrait, here we see him actually developing the negative, which he will then re-photograph to make the final print (using the wooden slats in front of the lens to change the whole apparatus into a copy camera). The small flap on the side allows light into the “darkroom” – it’s an early form of instant photography.
Kodacolor in Cusco, 1983.
Most of the photographers in Cusco made their living doing black and white studio portraits, but they would subsidize this by selling film to the tourists. It produced some unlikely juxtapositions, as seen above.
The Chambi studio in Cusco, 1983.
The towering figure of Peruvian photography is Martin Chambi (1891-1973). Here are three generations of Chambi family, all of them photographers. Standing on the left and looking around the backdrop (in the manner of an assistant in one of Chambi’s portraits) is Teo Allain Chambi – Martin’s grandson. In the middle is Martin’s devoted daughter Julia, and on the right is her older brother, Victor. The massive glass plate camera on the table belonged to the great Martin Chambi himself.
A couple of years later I made “Martin Chambi and the Heirs of the Incas” for the BBC – sadly by that time Victor Chambi had already died, but Julia appears.
Julia Chambi, 1981.
Julia was Chambi’s middle daughter and she worked in his studio from when she was a child. After her father’s death in 1973, she took over the studio and devoted the rest of her life to looking after Chambi’s amazing photographic legacy.
Cesar Meza, Photographer, 1985.
I met him while doing research for the film about Martin Chambi (“Martin Chambi and the Heirs of the Incas”, BBC 1986). Meza had been an assistant of Chambi’s in the 1930s and later had set up his own studio in Cusco. Note the enormous 10×8 glass plate camera that he was still using. (He does a very engaging cameo performance in the film!)
Cecilia, 1981.
The street sign belonged to Cesar Meza (see my portrait of Meza, above), and Cecilia, who had grown up in Cusco, was my wife.
Eventually I managed to pull all these ideas together by persuading the BBC to finance a film about Chambi, who was at that time relatively little known.
Poster for “Martin Chambi and the Heirs of the Incas”, 1986.
The film in fact proved to be the beginning of something new for me – making movies.
Paul Yule is @paul_yule on Instagram. More about him at
by Grryo Community | May 29, 2016 | Stories, You Are Grryo
I love windows – the openings in walls that invite the light in. I think that perhaps light is God’s way of asking us to notice.
Looking back at the long stretch of years my photographs span, I find many images of windows…
a long wall of visual time punctuated by windows. Some let in light, some shut it out, some reflect; windows as picture frames, frames within frames.
It’s never been about the view…..or the curtains, or the cat. It’s always been about the light.
I am delighted by light.
It’s said one picture is worth 1000 words. When I was working from contact sheets of my black and white negatives in the time I now refer to as “long ago”, I was thrilled to find one image worth printing, worth 1000 words, out of every 36.
The rest just said blah blah blah blah blah. It was a bit like panning for gold – or silver, in the case of film photography – the finding one or two precious nuggets amid the waste was cause for elation.
I wish that I could throw a basket of words up into sky and have them fall back down rearranged by Emily Dickinson…..Robinson Jeffers…..Dr. Seuss…..
“ I think in pictures. Words are like a second language to me.” – Temple Grandin
My pictures are my poems; my poetic license.
Caren Sturmer is @exphotographer on instagram
by Grryo Community | May 28, 2016 | Stories, You Are Grryo
The first contact with our artistic side I would guess occurs at an early age, through the knowledge of colors and shapes. In my case, I met arts by obsessive stages. In my childhood I used to draw, as a teenager I played music, and now in my adulthood I have taken more interest in photography. In the end each thing has inspired the others.
I believe that within each of us inhabit concerns waiting to be discovered, even in solitude, in every painting you draw, in every song you play, in every photo you take, You Are Not Alone.
I Have Traveled The World
I decided to live in Guadalajara, Mexico. A city that I consider geographically privileged, naturally beautiful, rich in history and art. Its proximity to beaches and other historical destinations help my purpose.
For work and pleasure I’ve been fortunate to know places and people; I inherited my grandfather’s ability to make friends and my greatest treasures are the stories that have inspired each photo.
With all the aforementioned elements as scenarios, I have managed to give life to the stories and characters. I appreciate the opportunity to share them with you.
Guardian Angel
Place: Tlaquepaque, Mexico
{Inspired by a short story written by Enrique Anderson Imbert “Tabù“}
The guardian angel whispered to Fabian over his shoulder.
–Fabian be careful!, it is your destiny to die as soon as you say the word zangolotino.
–Zangolotino? Asked Fabian
He dies.
Alien Turned Human.
Place: Mazatlan, Mexico
The extraterrestrial intelligent life forms have decided to send explorers to the Earth, they have thought of everything, the fragile and innocent body of a child never arouses suspicion. At least it’s what Dario thought while he was playing in his mind near the beach at sunset in Mazatlan, Mexico.
A Cowboy In The City
Place: Downtown Guadalajara, Mexico
I had never seen a cowboy without a horse, but that afternoon walking around downtown I witnessed it.
-Where is your horse, cowboy? I asked him.
After a deep silence he told me.
-It’s sick, and I came to here to get medicine...
-I’m sorry to hear that, what will you do when it recovers? I asked again.
-I will jump on my horse and ride, because a cowboy’s work is never done, He said.
Red Wall
Place: Municipal Market Tlaquepaque, Mexico
Her mother told Emma:
–Life is like a path with a red wall, one day you will be a woman, you will get a job, and you will find a man, then you will fall in love and have kids.
–You know, I don’t really like the colors, She said.
Land Of Freedom
Place: Mazatlan, Mexico
When asked what he wants to be when he grows up, he answered without hesitation.
–Free as a bird.
She Doesn’t Remember Me
Place: Leon, Guanajuato. Mexico
You taught me to think beyond the mind, but memory escaped yours.
–Goodbye Grandma, every evening we go back to being friends.
Time to go.
Place: Guadalajara, Mexico
That sunny Saturday afternoon while I was walking, I heard the boss asked to his employee.
-Did you clean the tools?
-Did you check the locks?
-Yes, sure.
-Did you park the truck?
-Yes, of course.
-Can we go to check?
-Sorry Sir but it’s time to go…
Place: Leon, Guanajuato. Mexico
That April morning when the sun came up, we discovered that our family was larger than we thought.
Under The Wings
Place: Mazatlan, Mexico
–How it feels to fly? I asked to the wind.
–Close your eyes and three, two, one…open them, He said.
From Another Point Of View.
Place: Zapopan, Jalisco. Mexico
Whenever friends asked Luis for advice, he always said:
-Let me see from another point of view
I’m Leaving The City.
Place: Downtown Leon, Mexico
–I’m leaving the city, nobody needs me, The old man said, grabbing his bike.
–I need you, The kid said.
–Whistle if you need me, The old man said.
–If I would have to whistle every time I need you, I would be the wind, dad, The kid said.
About vondav:
My name is Daniel, I’m from Mexico City but I’m based at Guadalajara. I earned a degree on Industrial Engineering and I’ve worked as a logistics manager for multinational companies.
You can find me on Instagram as @vondav
by Grryo Community | May 24, 2016 | Stories, You Are Grryo
My name is Michel de Veld
I’m a nurse, working on a team for home care, helping people with dementia and psychiatric disorders.
I live and work in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Combos Lens/ Film used on the pictures above are:
Aatto / Blackeys44 Hornbecker / Rijks Eric / ArjanBW
Jane / W40 Eric / Love81 Salvador84 / Otto
My first attempt in taking photographs started in 2011 with my iPhone 3GS and buying the Hipstamatic app. It was love at first sight! 😉 On Twitter I followed @hipstachallenge and I took part in their daily themes; it was fun to see other people’s interpretations. When they moved to Instagram, I followed. On IG I found out that there were a lot of enthusiastic Hipstamatic lovers and many challenges. I’m still participating in some of those challenges.
I find my inspiration in everything I see around me, such as people, animals, nature, city life, and looking at pictures by other photographers. Sometimes I go out and take a walk, or a ride on my bike, just to take pictures. Other times I’m on my way, minding my own business or running errands and I’ll stop to take a shot. I like those spontaneous action shots. I bought a very useful tool, a shoulderpod S1 to have a better grip on my iPhone. I try to learn and get inspired by other (Hipstamatic) photographers and exhibitions in museums of photography and art. But mostly, I learn by just taking a whole bunch of pictures with Hipstamatic on my iPhone 6s.
When I take pictures with Hipstamatic, what I always do is, I set a combo with a particular lens, film and/or flash and take some pictures with it. Sometimes it’s the combo for a challenge on Facebook for Hipstamatic Sardinia, Hipstamatic People or Hipstamatic Holland. And on IG for Hipstaconnect, Hipstahub or Salvadorsunday and many more…
Then Hipstamatic has the possibility to shake to randomize, STR. I have it almost always activated because you can shake your iPhone and let the app decide which combo you choose. This can end up in unexpected results, sometimes horrible, but other times, wonderful photos.
I find the framing of the subject important, and I focus on their shadows and reflections. But you have to get close to your subject when you take a picture with an iPhone; especially with street photography. It is challenging.
The Hipstamatic app, ever since Version 300, has evolved into an editing app, which you can still use as I described above, but if you want to, you can edit your photos afterwards.
This is an example of a photo I edited after I took it with the combo Muir lens and Blanko일 film
I used these settings for other photos too, and found out that it worked for me; see the next pictures.
I also like black and white photography; it takes you more to the essence of shapes and/or accentuates characters of people.
Combo: Anne-Marie / US1776
This is shot with a combo registered on the Hipstography website as combo
#395; Tinto1884 lens and QueenWest film
The site is an informative and inspiring website. (If you want to learn more about Hipstamatic, this is the place to start!) Hipstamatic has evolved through the years into an editing app, with great possibilities, with which I’m playing now and then. But what I love the most is just to capture the moment and make it into a piece of art.
Combo Lucas Lens and Gongbi film, I changed the depth of field and the vibrancy
Combo: Emma / Big Easy
You can see more of Michel’s work on : Instagram | Facebook | Flickr
by Grryo Community | May 24, 2016 | Stories, You Are Grryo
Ritsona Refugee Camp, Northern Greece. 20th & 21st May 2016
As of 20th May 2016, there are 54,230 refugees living in Greece & the Islands that only has a capacity for 42,100, according to UNHCR (UN High Commissioner for Refugees).
On a dark, overcast day in Northern Greece, at a disused crumbling airforce base surrounded by pine trees, I met Hamza, a 14 year old boy that wants not only to make a difference but to affect real change.
He had quietly sat in his tent one day and wrote a well educated, intelligent letter to the heads of states of influential countries to put across the point of the Refugee children and ask for change. He asked his Uncle, living in Germany, to translate it into English & a volunteer called Elena to translate it from English into German & other languages. Elena is a friend of one of my sons, I adore her & we follow each other on Instagram where she posted a copy of the translation & so this story begins.
Hamza is a normal boy, loves pizza, badminton, football & his computer, enjoys Physics, Biology, Sciences at school, fan of Batman & Spiderman films & wants to be a lawyer for human rights when he grows up, but hasn’t been in school for 2 years. The war has aged him, he seems much older than 14.
As Hamza shows me round, he tells me he loves all the people here and wants them all to be able to leave together, to meet up with their families who are waiting in other European countries. I also realise he blushes when I ask him to tell the story of the translation, to each unwilling & suspicious of a photographer/journalist refugee. Hamza hadn’t told anyone, other than his mother, that he had written the letter. As his confidence grows, along with the blushing & laughter, the people of Ritsona open up, for Hamza.
Ritsona camp is 2 1/2 months old, mainly Syrian, some Afghans, Yazidi’s & Iraqi’s, but really its impossible to be exact. Lacks electricity & running water. Has hot 3 showers, 6 cold showers, 38 stench filled toilets for…900 people. The food that arrives is bland & monotonous. What they really want is to cook their own meals. They want to leave.
They are a strong, independent people, highly educated & skilled. They ran the camp themselves until NGO’s arrived with specific roles. They have organised a community life, football matches are played every evening, 8 teams are organised. Concerts & entertainment are arranged within the group. They build their own furniture from anything they can find, fires, seating areas and have a strong sense of trying to help their own community. Not all like what they have become, some ashamed of others dependancy. The woman wear coloured Hijab’s on purpose to show they are not ISIS. The peace sign is shown everywhere. Private & proud attributes repeat, as I down another strong sweet coffee surrounded by overwhelming generosity from people that have nothing but also some of the best & warm company I have been in for a while.
Meals are handed out 3 times daily.
Refugees sit wherever they can and eat the provisions, clothes dry on the trees and they have tried to cover the open windows with plastic sheeting against the cold.
The volunteers at Ritsona are astounding and some of the best & most dedicated that I have seen. They work beyond their shifts daily, are dealing with recurrent refugees mental health problems, lack of the most basic facilities, running water, medical, electricity, drainage, etc., and have achieved extraordinary things. This is proven in the respect, friendship & love shown by the refugees to the volunteers.
The children need schooling and education. Almost everyone is suffering from PTSD, many have mental issues due to the wars & the dangerous ripple effect within families is occurring. Add this present situation and frustration & despair is obvious. Many talk of their past lives, normal houses, jobs, lifestyles, hobbies, computers, universities etc.,. Normal life. Then they talk of their harrowing experiences, war, killing, the extreme brutality of humanity removed everything normal. Made worse by what & how they are living now. Europe is responsible for this and a real danger of refugee camps becoming detention camps.
Mohammad, 40, and his 30 year old wife Aisa had the first baby to be born in camp. They named her Ritsona. At 1 1/2 months, Ritsona is paralysed & has already undergone 2 operations, leaving her with full length scars on her abdomen & the length of her spine. They are Syrian Kurds & also have a 2 year old daughter.
Shero, 10, and Mohamad,13, are both from Alepo in Syria. Shero misses chicken & Mohamad misses pizza.
A group of Syrians organised 8 teams, Tishreen; Rojava; Ismael; Jigar; Portugal; Ritsona & Aleppo. There was growing excitement about who would make the semi final. The daily match is all they have to look forward to.
Hadi is Hamz’a 7yr old younger brother. He loves running, football, chicken & trees. Like many at Ritsona, Hadi has PTSD-depression & hyperarousal; on edge, irritability, angry outbursts and lack of concentration.
Many containers, some NGO storage, some random are in and around the camp
Robani, with her newborn Hind-Hani, is 25yrs with 4 children. Syrian Kurds and 2 months at Ritsona.
This is Hamza’s world, his present, his now normal. He see’s how hope is sliding. If they are unable to leave at all, he is worried. He is 14 years old boy. He wants people to know that the children see it all and don’t know what to do. He wants to do something, to ask the people who control their futures to return them to normal life, to begin the healing & contributing in normal society. In Hamza & his brothers, I see the same as I see in my children, normal kids, and I cannot pass by.
People light fires, not only for warmth, but for light, cooking and to ward off the mosquitos, snakes, scorpions & wild boars. Fires are always burning at Ritsona & given that it is in a pine forest, there is a real risk.
© Caroline de Bertodano May 2016
Caroline de Bertodano is a documentary & street photographer that believes in truth in all its forms and no labels. Trained in music and Art History & worked in Modern Art for 12 years. Became a photographer at 37 whilst living in Japan for 3 years. Raised a family. Her work is in collections worldwide. “There is a place I go behind a lens where I disappear. I have no real idea of how or what I do, I just know there is untold peace & courage in that space”
Find Caroline de Bertodano on Facebook | Instagram | Eyeem | Google Plus | Steller