by Grryo Community | Apr 10, 2012 | Reviews, The Temples
Photo courtesy of @kewiki
Fine, I’ll admit it. I got spooked with the announcement of Facebook buying Instagram this week. Everyone complains about Facebook so yeah, spooked. But on the other side of that, if I developed and ran a very popular app that could sell for $1 billion? Plain and simple. You’d be crazy not to do it.
So I did some flirting. I checked out PicYou, Eye’em and Streamzoo. I didn’t join any of those for various reasons. The reviews in the app store are very helpful and they either had too many things I didn’t like or didn’t have enough.
I did join Tadaa. It was all sparkly and new at first! And I’ll even admit, I couldn’t close that app to go check Instagram for a good few hours. I was distracted by the fun little bunny that comes out of the hat when you pull down to refresh! Like his cute furry ears are excited you’re there, “Tadaa!” And he taps his fluffy paws on the hat rim in excitement.
The editing capabilities are pretty impressive. You can actually post any size picture you want, or crop to any size. It has your normal adjustments for brightness, contrast and saturation. Plus, adjustable clarity, tilt-shift, vignette, frames and several nice filters to choose from. And it’s pretty cool that you can zoom in on any photo there.
(Before I go on, I should state that this blog is purely my opinion. And for some entertainment, because I can only be serious for so long, even if I’m the only person I make giggle.)
Like I said, I enjoyed playing with it for a few hours. But that’s when the real magic of the app happened…
That cute furry bunny now had a menacing glare, impatiently tapping those killer paws on that stupid hat, “Tadaa! I would like to refresh for you but you won’t see your notifications for 2 hours! Mwahaha!”
Tap, tap, tap go the paws. “Tadaa! You can keep trying to follow people back but I won’t let you! Mwahaha!”
Tap, tap, tappity tap tap. “Tadaa! I went ahead and deleted that first picture you posted this morning, it sucked! Mwahaha!”
Well, you get the picture. That bunny’s not as friendly as he first seems, folks.
So I don’t think I’ll be doing any more app flirting. Changes may come and they may not. It can be scary. I know things have changed a lot since I first joined Instagram in late 2010 and nothing has been bad enough to separate us yet.
I gave my heart to Instagram 16 months ago. And I’m happily at home.
Holly (@musiccityace)
by Grryo Community | Apr 6, 2012 | The Temples
The BIG NEWS this week was obviously the release of the much anticipated Instagram for Android. This has been a long-time coming and it was due to the amazingly successful foundation that iPhone users have created that made this so high in demand.
For over a year, Instagram has been iPhone-only. Android users have missed out on some of the pains that we’ve been through. But the users here before now have worked hard to create a great sense of community. So I feel like it is our responsibility to welcome you to the community and help provide you with resources that will make your Instagram experience the best it can be.
1. Post your own pics. Stealing photos or posting photos that aren’t yours is frowned on. Especially when you don’t credit the photographer.
2. Follow others first, comment often and you’ll get followers. Asking someone to follow you will get you blocked and reported as a spammer.
3. Take advantage of It’s a great resource to see stats on your pics. This will tell you best times to post.
4. Participate in challenges. It’s a great way to be part of the community and learn.
5. Hashtags are useful, but don’t abuse them. Tagging your pics with an irrelevant tag is also considered spam.
Please visit @instagramphotoguide for starters. It is a great resource to follow!
This brings me to my open mic question this week: “If you are an Android user and new to IG, let us know here! How has your experience been so far? For us IG veterans, what tips can you leave here to help new users have the best experience?” Let’s discuss and please be positive!
by Grryo Community | Feb 1, 2012 | Featured Articles
Brooklyn Theory’s Introduction
There is no shortage of talented mobile photographers out there today. They’re everywhere around the globe. On any given day I can come across an image or a feed that just has me amazed. But what keeps you coming back to someone in particular? What makes you click on a thumbnail or scroll through someone’s feed? What makes you click on that ever elusive follow button?
When I first came across his feed, I wasn’t just struck by a few beautiful images among many. It was an entire collection. With a variety of subject matter and a distinctive changing style. I found myself wondering what Albert would post next. He had me hooked from the beginning. I’d like to introduce you to @Mr._Bearded_One.
B: Brooklyn Theory M: Mr. Bearded One
B: I came across your feed while a on a recent trip to Santa Barbara, CA. I’m used to shooting and seeing a lot of street photography from major cities. Your doing it in good ol’ sunny California. Do you think it’s more difficult shooting people there than lets say New York City?
M: Funny I found you under a Santa Barbara hash tag! Oh man! Well, I cant speak for everyone in California. But as a family man with a 40 hr week job yes it is more difficult in Los Angeles And its surrounding areas, (i live & work in long beach btw). Remember the song “no body walks in L.A.” ? People just don’t walk around as commonly as in other cities. You can find pockets of people of course but i walk out of my house & it could be 15/20 minutes before I see another soul. Lol! I’m sure NY and SF etc. has us beat on that.
B: You have a great mix of street photography, portraits, and landscapes. Do you have a preference shooting any of these? Why?
M: Yes, I prefer Street overall lately. I like the variety and excitement of capturing a “stand out” subject that I come across. I do try to always shoot with a subject as a focal point. Silhouettes are my favorite but I can’t always get those. Although i do like my “posed” shots too… But lately have gotten away from those. Btw any decent shot with a silhouette on IG gets a like from me lol!
B: Do you go out specifically to take pictures or do you find yourself taking pictures while your out and about?
M: Probably 50/50. Most outings with the Fam I’ll purpose to try and capture what I can. Otherwise my gorgeous supporting wife, (@projectbeauty) wink:) lets me have time to myself for any creative endeavors. So I’ll go drive to wherever I can find a lot of activity and start walking around. If I get 2 hours I’m good for a few days.
Ok, ProjectBeauty tell me a little bit about her?
M: We’ve been married over 7 years and she is a make up artists for MAC Cosmetics. We’re madly in love and in each others best friends. She is mos def creative and a knock out to look at! We have 2 kids together and the older 2 are from my practice marriage. Lol!
B: Do you ever ask her opinion on an image before posting?
M: No! Lol! Not because I don’t want it but because I want her to be surprised by it when it gets posted. Specially if she’s in the shot. Lol! Photos from our DSLR get looked at together on our Mac. But I only use iPhone shots on IG – EyeEm
B: Do you guys ever go out shooting together?
M: Lol! I would like to but then we would need day care plus I’m kind of a lone wolf.
B: I really enjoyed seeing your images from LACMA. Who’s one of your favorite artists and why?
M: So LACMA has free admission for kids and one kid can get one adult in free with them. Thanks LACMA! Lol!! So your question… I don’t have 1 But I’m a midcentury modern guy so it has to be Pollock, Warhol, Basquiat, Dali, Picasso. Sorry I didn’t reveal some amazing name no ones heard of lol! Oh you asked why? To all it has to be that they all were punk rock and defied the status quo for their time and contemporaries.
B: Ok I completely understand the rebel artist thing. Do you consider yourself a rebel?
M: You know what, I do. Id like to think I haven’t “sold out” and I feel I’m doing my own thing even though im older than my 80’s Skateboarding days. In fact I’m so punk I’m done with this interview! Lol just kidding! I’m the only cat with forearm tattoos in my office lol!
B: You mentioned punk rock too. Who are you listening to today?
I’m an eclectic soul when it comes to music, such a cop out answer but it’s true… Favorite bands ever? Led Zeppelin, The Clash, The Ramones, White Stripes, The Cure, Public Enemy, Smashing Pumpkins, Johnny Cash. See I’m a little old school but not locked in on any one thing. I think that would be a little boring.
B: Who’s your all time favorite?
M: The Smiths I guess, lol!
B: Do you have a background in photography or the arts?
M: I’ve been drawing since forever. Like under-roos days. Lol! There was a time where I did HotRod “art” and had my own t-shirt brand where i screenprinted my stuff and also did art for other people. Does that count? Shrug. I’ve been taking pictures for a long time as well. My first camera was a Disc camera lol! Early 80’s, If your not familiar Google it! My first real camera was a Canon AE1.
B: Ha! Yeah, not only do I remember it, I had one too. I’ve recently gone back and started shooting some film again. Are you still shooting film or are you strictly digital now? Would you say your phone is your primary camera these days?
M: Word up on the Disc! Lol! Just digital. I have my Canon Rebel (film) sitting in a bag and occasionally pick up but end up just putting it back down.
My phone has been my primary camera for the past 8 months. Our point and shoots are gathering dust and our DSLR is starting to get used more thanks to the tips and techniques I’ve learned from using IG and the iPhone. Kind of backwards but it’s all good.
B: Who or what Inspires You?
M: My wife and kids inspire me. BTW I have 4 kids from 18 to 2 years old. Jareth is 18, Gwen’s 13, Zion is 5 and my youngest at two years old is Brooklyn!
B: Word? Wow!
M: Us Hispanic people don’t play! Lol! Otherwise my friends are all mostly artists In some way as well. I also like cinematography. Especially if it involves Los Angeles!
B: Your wife and kids are sometimes your subjects. Do they ever get tired of being photographed? Or do they enjoy it.
M: Nah, the kids have been having their pictures taken their whole lives. The 2 year old is the hardest to shoot! My 5 year old is a child Model for the Ford agency so he better like being photographed! Lol! The 13 year old just wants to post them on Facebook lol!
B: I saw a kid a few days ago, couldn’t have been more than 6 or 7 years old, taking pictures with a camera phone. Thats not something you’d see, say five years ago, it’s definitely a sign of the times. Any of your kids got the photography bug from mobile photography?
M: Yup, my 18 year old is considering photography but needs to take more pictures lol! and my 5 year old got a point and shoot for Christmas and shoots every day now! As it becomes more affordable it will be more accessible to youngsters who then will hopefully grow up to be creative open minded adults. Although photography isn’t always about art it’s also about archiving and journaling (photojournalism) our world.
B: I hear that! Ok bear with me a minute. One of my favorite photographers Martin Parr said “Photography’s central role is to be the absolute medium of the day. It is fantastic that there is no longer any technical intimidation. When I first started learning how to take photographs, you had to spend the first six months figuring out what an f-stop was. Now you just go and take pictures. Nobody thinks about technical issues anymore because cameras or camera phones take care of that automatically. On the other hand, you still have the option of controlling every technical aspect. It’s the most accessible, democratic medium available in the world.” Do you think that by eliminating the need for technical ‘know-how’ in photography today diminishes it as a form of art?
M: Great quote! No way there are a lot of ways to be an artist. Is someone who uses a spray can any less an artist than the oil painter is? No. If you have an itch you’ll find a way to scratch it. I love all mediums of art but the immediacy and accessibility of mobile photography are what attracts me right now. Before Digital and the interweb it would have taken years for the public to see someone’s photos. Plus the expense of film, processing, printing, enlarging… forget bout it!
Well said, I couldn’t agree more.
B: Some of your images are highly edited, others not so much. How do you decide how much editing a picture needs?
M: I’m glad you asked. Lol! Um I’m kinda creatively restless and somedays I feel real artsy or bored and others I feel more straight forward studio style lol! Some shots may have a cool subject but the background drives me nuts. So bam I start getting my filter on! The one thing I’ve tried to remain consistent with is b/w lately. It seems I’m most attracted to bw over color maybe from my drawing days?!?
B: Do you still draw?
M: Not as much as I should and this interview has reminded me of that! Lol!
B: You’ve been killing it on instagram for a while and now recently on eye’em. Do you have a favorite image? Tell me about it.
M: I’ve been wondering about that and it’s funny how all my shots hold a dear place in my heart… Hahaha But seriously a favorite I just reposted is about my California Love and has a Vintage ’64 Ford T-bird in front of a Spanish Contemporary home in my neighborhood. I love how it shows a style gone by for the Golden State. The original post is in a lovely yellow hue Lol! BTW if my photos had to represent anything it would be for Southern California life. I can’t imagine living anywhere else right now.
B: Ok, money is no object, If you could go anywhere in the world just to take pictures where are you going and why?
M: Dang! Like that… No doubt Japan. If I ever make it to Japan I’ll die a happy cat! Lol! Japan has an amazing people and it’s history, culture and metropolitan ism, is that a word?, really appeals to me. No I don’t speak Japanese but I love the food! Lol btw I know they may copy a lot of western styles but I don’t care.
B: Anything you want to add that we haven’t covered?
M: Mobile photography has helped restore faith in myself. Before I really got into IG I was battling a lot of inner demons and it may have been due to a lack of an artistic outlet. So yeah thank God for mobile photography!!!
Btw I hope I was able to rep Cali and hispanic dads in their early 40’s properly! Lol!
A big shout out to all my friends on IG and a special shout out to my homie @nizzy508! Check him out or else! Yo!
B: One last question… Why Mr. Bearded One?
M: Cuz I have a vicious beard! Lol!
Juxt thanks the both of these amazing mobile photographers for their words and art.
Mr. Bearded One has tagged Kate @thestyley. Look out for that upcoming interview.
@mr_bearded_one can be found on Instagram/ EyeEm/ Kik
About Brooklyn Theory
NYC based photographer residing in Brooklyn. Exploring NYC with my cameras on a daily basis.
email: [email protected]
twitter: @brooklyntheory
kik: BrooklynTheory