by Hector Navarro | Sep 19, 2014 | Stories
1. no longer possessed or retained: lost friends.
2. no longer to be found: lost articles.
We asked what LOST means to you.
The following images have been selected from more than 250 photos tagged:

Photo by: @_humanflower
Photo by: @mydsmber

Photo by: @kurotokoko

Photo by: @muzbanger

Photo by: @fromMyWindows

Photo by: @butterflyblue
Our next Word Challenge can be found here.
by Hector Navarro | Sep 15, 2014 | Stories

La brisa del aire acaricia su rostro, la luz de la mañana llena sus ojos de una cálida esperanza, los cierra lentamente para sentir en toda su alma esa energía de un nuevo comenzar.
Los vuelve a abrir y comienza a caminar por el andén de la estación, no le importa el tiempo ni la hora de conexión del siguiente tren, la gente a su alrededor corre contra el tiempo desesperada por llegar a sus trabajos.
Caminando sin rumbo determinado, solo disfruta la sensación de la mañana sintiendo cada paso como la marca de una tipo de una vieja máquina de escribir que va dejando un rastro en aquella hoja en blanco llamada día, Y en la cual piensa caminar una nueva historia
Antes de salir de la estación del tren, camina por el extremo del andén como si tuviera el don de detener y congelar el tiempo para disfrutar la vista del horizonte con un paisaje bello y sencillo entre el campo y el cielo.
The breeze caresses her face, the morning light fills her eyes with a warm hope, she closes them slowly to feel the energy of a new beginning throughout her soul.
She reopens them and begins to walk down the platform of the station, it does not matter the time nor the hour of the next train connection, the people around her are in a desperate race against time to get to their jobs.
Walking aimlessly, just enjoying the morning sensation and feeling every step as if it were a mark of a kind of an old typewriter that leaves a trace in that blank sheet called day, and in which she plans to create a new story.
Before leaving the station, she walks by the end of the platform as if she had the power to stop and freeze time, to enjoy the view of the horizon with a simple and beautiful landscape between the field and sky.
Editor’s Note: To understand where Chloe is now you need to understand where Chloe began her journey and where it is headed. The Reinvention of Chloe is a collaborative effort by much of the Grryo team to realize a dream our dear friend Ale began before his death. We do hope you enjoy the journey.
by Hector Navarro | Jul 9, 2014 | Stories
Grryo Storyteller Series: Eder Samayoa by Héctor Navarro
I want to introduce you to a great friend and fantastic storyteller who has an intriguing photographic series that I enjoy every time he shares his vision through social networks.
His name is Eder Samayoa from Veracruz, México. Here I share his bio:
“My passion for photography began two years ago when I started looking at pictures of many photographers on Instagram. Until today I’ve been working as a musician and never as a professional photographer. I am part of a Christian community in which I’ve had the opportunity to travel to different parts of the country and bring medical help to poor areas. Thanks to these trips it’s where I have valued and loved photography the most, besides the pleasure of sharing these amazing places I’ve seen with other people. Taking some tips from big photographers, I try my best to take good pictures from these places. Some of my hobbies are: martial arts, writing, singing and learning to play different musical instruments, but without a doubt nothing has caught my attention as much as photography. Now, I, at least set a day of the week to go out and take photos of the city where I live, but still, no matter where I go, I take my iPod with me ready to photograph any image that brightens before my eyes.”
Héctor: What message do you wish to convey through your pictures?
Eder: Perfection. Each person, moment, feeling, and place has a footprint of perfection, for the world and everything that we see in it (visible or invisible) was designed by the power and wisdom of a perfect God. Many times it’s hard to see this perfection in some things, but opening our eyes and our mind to see it and believe it, is enough. I see perfection when I see the vastness of the sky and everything that happens in it from down here, but I also see perfection in all things we can see and do under heaven. Photography has lead me to stop and observe this and more.

H: Have you always been a spiritual person?
E: No, I always thought I was, but it was when I had 18 that I began to have a real and personal relationship with God.

H: Did something happen in your life that made you spiritual? Religious?
E: Not precisely. I just know that God wanted to give me a new life and I don’t know why frankly, but I’m just enjoying it.
H: Are the photos in your gallery taken where you live?
E: Some are, but others are from different cities and towns of Mexico.

H:For example, in this picture, what motivated you so much to capture it as to posses it? What was happening in that moment that motivated you to shoot it?
E: Well, the life situation in that moment of that girl was hard, her along with her brothers and mother were exiled of their community for being Christians. In that moment that girl was not very healthy because of the lack of food, and she was going to be assisted by a doctor. Her situation and crying was my motivation to take a picture and share it.

H: Do you have series about “parallel lives” like some of your captions of your pictures?
E: No I don’t, but in two pictures I used that title. As you can see we can get to be similar in many aspects even when we have different cultures. In the first picture there are two girls, one is an indigenous and the other one isn’t, and they were both playing to be doctors. The second picture shows a doctor and an indigenous woman peeking outside their kitchen window, both working for someone else.

Follow him : Instagram // EyeEm
by Hector Navarro | Jul 7, 2014 | Stories
The 24 Hour Project in Guadalajara by Hector Navarro Torres
Imagine documenting and sharing photos of your city for 24 continuous hours, uploading a picture per hour with the possibility to see in real time what other hundreds of mobile photographers are doing in 312 cities in 72 countries around the world?
This is now a reality!
On March 22, 2014, more than 900 mobile photographers around the world joined the task of doing so in the context of the Third Edition of the 24 Hour Project and Mexico was part of it.
The results of this project come to Mexico from New York thanks to Instagramers Mexico and Igers Guadalajara Oficial featuring the international Project.
The 24 Hour Project was created by Renzo Grande and Sam Smotherman.
Guadalajara will witness the largest international project of mobile photography with support from the Ministry of Culture of the City of Guadalajara.

“A series of street photographs that portray the spirit of each of these cities” –
Renzo Grande will travel to Guadalajara from New York to inaugurate the International exhibition with the best photos of this project. In addition, he will give a conference and a workshop to share his knowledge about mobile photography and the photo movement that takes place in his town. We’d love to see you at all the events.
Follow us on: @24hourproject | @Igersmexico | @IgersGuadalajara |

“It’s a unique experience. If you think you love something, just do it for 24 continuous hours to find out if it really is your passion.” – Renzo G.
JULY 10, 2014
JULY 11, 2014
WORKSHOP 16:00 – 21:00Hrs
by Hector Navarro | Apr 23, 2014 | FEATURE

Continuing from the first installment of the “Indie Tags” series #nyekundu, I now present a second tag created on Instagram with another wonderful group of friends. #0o0 shows our love, delirium and obsession with circles among many other things.
Circles, the reoccurring theme with #0o0, can be found in any form (except artificially generated with editing apps) in various places – on the floor, objects, street signs, holes, windows and endless exciting performances.
Once I mentioned that Instagram to me is like my taxonomy diary in which I collect, record, compile and separate the simple things that catch my attention. I get caught by some feature of formal beauty or simply to evoke a sense of satisfaction to live it.
If you love circles, you’ll love this tag along with the selections we have made.
Jolanda explains :
I was really excited to find out that all these guys from all over the world, Hector (Mexico), Michael (UK), José (Mexico), Matt (Australia) and Ozan (Turkey), were collecting full frame circles too. Together we wanted to share our pics so we invented #0o0. I believe it was Hector who proposed to use a tag and Matt who came up with 0o0 name and, in no time, had a lot of pics in our tag and friends who joined us.
#0o0’s first picture was tagged on 11-10-2011 by Michael; there are currently 5626+photos in the gallery.

Photo by : @xxxxxk7

Photo by : @macenzo

Photo by: @lesslee63

Photo by: @laura_noriega

Photo by: @juliegeb

Photo by: @fujimax1978

Photo by: @bmjaworski

Photo by: @benolivares

Photo by: @delstelle

Photo by: @roszcorrero

Photo by: @sadecefrd

Photo by: @strangers_opus

Photo by: @thenewinstacraig

Photo by: @subtlebro

Photo by: @iccattivik

Photo by: @jolandamoose
I started with IG early 2011 and was instantly hooked, images are much more valuable to me than words.
I work as a graphic (web) designer in the Netherlands and IG inspired me a lot.
Nowadays there are a lot circle tags, but in the beginning I thought I was the only one collecting circles. I started collecting them when I went to art school (90’s, analog) and rediscovered this addiction on IG.
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