by Bridgette | Oct 3, 2012 | Showcases
Welcome to Week 7 of #Decim8nday’s Decim8 This.
Every Sunday @Decim8nday will post an original / unedited image submitted by our guest editor of the week.
Decim8ors are to:
- Screenshot the image and save to their camera roll
- Decim8 the image using any singular or combination of effects
- We ask that no other apps are used and that images are processed only with the Decim8 app
- List each effect used and hashtag it with #Decim8nday and #Decim8this_( guest editor’s username)
- Post by Tuesday, 9:00 AM PST for a chance to get featured here and on @Decim8nday Wednesday!
On Wednesday we’ll announce the guest editor’s top 3 images!
This week we welcome Decim8nday’s co-cr8or @david_baer as guest editor!
This is his original photo…

and here are his selections:

1. @buzz777
2. @cecilyc
3. @jancaru2
I want to thank everyone for particip8ing this week, and digitally shredding my Hipstamatic shot! I enjoyed reading your processes, and seeing the love in the gallery! Decim8nday would be nothing without your contributions. I also really need to thank my co-conspirators with Decim8nday, Suzanne (@_suzanne_) & Bridgette (@bridgettesxo)!
We are coming up on 1 year of Decim8nday this month! 52 weeks of using Kris’ (@movax) terrific app and sharing recent posts shredded with decim8 with each other! As we enter into the 2nd year of the ongoing project, let’s recap my choices for this week’s contributions.I loved all the submissions, but I have to choose 3. Here they are:
1. @buzz777
Precog1 & Agency combine to bring the big ‘sine wave’ looking swoops with the Agency digital drag wonderfully!
2. @cecilyc
I’m guessing Graboid & Fold4Wrap5 brought this image out, regardless I love it!
3. @jancaru2
Loved the pixelation and the colors rendered, while preserving the subjects in the foreground & background
Stay tuned as we welcome Will Steiner, @computerjones, as guest editor for week 8.
by Rebecca Cornwell | Sep 30, 2012 | Showcases, Sunday Blues Edit
Little Miss December
Rebecca: 32 weeks ago, when the #sundaybluesedit was still in its infancy, a new face, to me at least stealthily arrived in the tag. Up to this point, most of the artists were artist I was very familiar with on Instagram. They showed up to support me and join in the Sunday fun and I was grateful. Jenn @shadowleitner started posting quietly at first. Beautifully blue crafted images would arrive and I would always sigh at Jenn’s creativity. As the weeks have gone on I’ve watched Jenn truly find her voice. I’m very proud to be able to showcase her today. I hope you will take a few moments and enjoy a fantastical walk through her ever-wonderful profile. Happy Sunday!
Jenn: I’m very honored to be feature here by sundaybluesedit. The #sundaybluesedit is a very magical place for me and I’m inspired every week by the beauty and courage displayed there.
Of Little Miss December…happily being carried off by birds. It is one of those images with something just a little bit off tilt. And that was before I put it through decim8 and blender, two of my favorite apps. I do love images and edits with peculiarity and have affection for the macabre. This one in particular led me to create the series “months of mayhem” and even though she made her appearance last, she is the one who inspired me to start it. I enjoy mixing elements of story, symbolism and word play with my images, which is how I relate to my world in general. I think that is why I gravitate to old images to use in my edits, they connect me with the human story, which is universal and transcends time.
I have had a life-long love of storytelling and art and have dabbled in many mediums. Then about a year ago, in an attempt reconnect with my creativity, I got the crazy notion to start a 365 project called Shadow a Day. I originally joined IG to just post this project but was so enthralled by the art there that I immediately jumped down the rabbit hole into the world of Mobile Art. The community there has been as supportive and encouraging of my editing experiments and self-exploration as theirs has inspired me. And I so look forward to experiencing this next chapter of my life.
You can find Jenn’s always inspiring work at @shadowleitner on Instagram
by Anna Cox | Sep 30, 2012 | Showcases
The Still Life Lounge is a place where we slow down and revel in the mundane. There is a new subject every week, We do hope you will join us (@ikebana_jen and @annacox) as we find beauty in the mundane.
This weeks highlight is from Kimberlee, @kepperolive
I spent lots of time at vintage bazaars this summer and did some collecting. Each object carrying with it an intriguing story…whether its true or made up in our heads…the magic of the objects are still the same.
The editing process was actually pretty simple with this one. I usually start with snapseed to crop and straighten the image. Then I used blurFX for a controlled blur and vingette effect. After that I used Scratchcam color for a monochromatic look. And that completes the process. Thank you so much for the feature. I appreciate it so very much. This community is amazing and inspiring. I love being a part of it.
Check out the #stilllifelounge for the theme this week.
by Bridgette | Sep 26, 2012 | Showcases
Welcome to Week 6 of #Decim8nday’s Decim8 This.
Every Sunday @Decim8nday will post an original / unedited image submitted by our guest editor of the week.
Decim8ors are to:
- Screenshot the image and save to their camera roll
- Decim8 the image using any singular or combination of effects
- We ask that no other apps are used and that images are processed only with the Decim8 app
- List each effect used and hashtag it with #Decim8nday and #Decim8this_( guest editor’s username)
- Post by Tuesday, 9:00 AM PST for a chance to get featured here and on @Decim8nday Wednesday!
On Wednesday we’ll announce the guest editor’s top 3 images!
This week we welcome fellow Decim8or @momma2maxh as guest editor!
This is her original photo…

and here are her selections:

1. @rmsherwood
2. @maryjane428
3. @nomadnest
Lanie’s reviews:
I really had a blast as this week’s Decim8nday’s guest editor. Seeing my ugly doll image run through the amazing filter combinations of Decim8 & all the different interpretations was inspiring! Thank you to everyone who contributed this week.I had a tough time choosing so, in the end from the six I had it narrowed down to, my son Max chose the final three!
1. @rmsherwood
This was my first choice, something about the colors, the abstract pattern, what L225 did in the middle and how the ugly dolls are still somewhat represented at the top and bottom, Bravo!
2. @maryjane428
I wanted three different styles images and altho there were others similar from the brainfeed3r filter, the colors and little facial expression on this guy won me over. Lots of love for this “mouse-fish” as MaryJane called him. Haha!
3. @nomadnest
This one is just fun! My favorite color is purple and when it’s combined with greens, just sigh. In this image all the ugly dolls are still recognizable and that makes it so whimsical. Loved it!
The Cr8ors of Decim8nday [ @_suzanne_ and @david_baer ] and I thank you, Lanie, for participating this week – we hope to do it again in the future!
Stay tuned as we welcome David, @david_baer, co-cre8or of the #Decim8nday project as guest editor for week 7.
by Rebecca Cornwell | Sep 23, 2012 | Showcases, Sunday Blues Edit

For this weeks sundayblues selection I’ve turned the writing over to Izzy. Although I have long admired the work of @booksandshit, the connection that Izzy has to this artist is deep and intense. Ultimately, I believe this is what is behind the beauty of the #sundaybluesedit, identifying and finding artists and friends who’s work and experience you can identify with so deeply. It’s through this tag that I have found so many places that feel like home. Have a wonderful Sunday.
Izzy: Becoming a part of the #sundaybluesedit is still somewhat surreal for me. Its a tag that has been dear to me for some time especially since this year has been a year of turmoil with my marriage shattering and me grasping with desperation to keep it together for the sake of my kids. Pretending to be happy is probably the most miserable thing I’ve ever attempted, as I’m a rather straight shooter in my day-to-day life. It was a mask I didn’t wear well. With the #sundaybluesedit tag I could take off the mask and pour forth whatever was left behind at the end of the day. Depression was my daily life and it hung on me like a lonely wet suit I couldn’t wait to get off of me.
I found myself immersed in taking pictures to escape my grief. For a long time I had envied my friends that had time to paint and draw, for me it became an utterly impossible task, but Instagram has taken my interest in photography to new heights. Realizing after years of carrying an iphone that I could make art with it was like getting glasses for the first time. I began to see the world completely differently because of the freedom of mobile arts photography.
So the door sprang open and with it a sea of amazing others out there doing the very same thing across the globe with their own flair. In places like Switzerland, where @booksandshit resides. He takes the most ordinary of items like a pile of immature hazelnuts he discovers on a walk with his niece and makes it into a story in black and white and his self-portraits are always undeniably sensitive. He purges his soul with his portraits and shows himself in every light possible. I always have questions when I look at his pictures as he makes it impossible to double click quickly and scroll. He makes one linger with his unrestrained beauty and this is what makes @booksandshit mesmerizing for his gallery is truly a photo diary worth unlocking.
Here are @booksandshit thoughts on his gallery:
Self-portraits are a wonderful way to try out new ways to edit and edit oneself without hurting others’ feelings (even thought I’m always eager to edit others “selfies” and am always open to collaborations). In addition to that I learn a lot about my own face and myself, which is ever changing.
However, landscapes and animals or strange out of use objects are also fantastic subjects to photograph. I love to unwrap forgotten objects to others and show them just how I view them but nothing is better than human expressions they inspire me most.
You can experience the amazing world of Michel on Instagram at @booksandshit
by Anna Cox | Sep 23, 2012 | Showcases
This week on the Still Life Lounge was quite a challenge. Our community produced a surprising assortment of variations on the theme of wool. Here is Jeannie’s, @jenannie, shot and the story of its creation:
I shot this image of a ball of yarn starting to slowly start to unravel on my sofa, in the afternoon light. I loved the rough texture of the yarn against the pattern of my couch. Using just my iphone, I brought the image into my favorite go to editing app as of late, snapseed, where I adjusted the contrast and decided it fit my mood better in black and white. I also used the “center focus” filter and adjusted the blur on it. then, off to squareready, to make it fit the instagram format.
The title, ‘trying not to come unraveled’ relates to my life lately, as I struggle with balancing days of exhaustion due to multiple health issues with still having to be the person that everyone relies on for things like, meals, rides to school, clean underwear, and emotional support. Every now and then it feels like something is going to pull too hard on that lone strand of yarn and the whole ball is going to unravel. Instead, I’ll keep knitting away at it, turning it into something altogether more beautiful.
The Still Life Lounge is a place where we slow down and revel in the mundane. There is a new subject every week, We do hope you will join us (@ikebana_jen and @annacox) as we find beauty in the mundane.
by Bridgette | Sep 19, 2012 | Showcases
Welcome to week 5 of #Decim8nday’s Decim8 This.
Every Sunday @Decim8nday will post an original / unedited image submitted by our guest editor of the week.
Decim8ors are to:
> Screenshot the image and save to their camera roll
> Decim8 the image using any singular or combination of effects
> We ask that no other apps are used and that images are processed only with the Decim8 app
> List each effect used and hashtag it with #Decim8nday and #Decim8nday_( guest editor’s username)
> Post by Tuesday, 9:00 AM PST for a chance to get featured here and on @Decim8nday Wednesday!
On Wednesday we’ll announce the guest editor’s top 3 images!
This week we welcome fellow Decim8or @thewhitedove as guest editor!
This is her original photo…

and here are her selections:

1. @computerjones
2. @lotti_k
3. @njskedder_ru
Paloma raves about this week’s selections:
I really enjoyed my time as Decim8nday’s guest editor. To say it was difficult to choose three photos to highlight is a complete understatement. That’s the beauty of Decim8…the beautiful variety of abstractions that can be created with a simple image. Thank you all for participating!
1. @computerjones and his symmetrical image.
I really like the dissecting white lines and the sharpness of the image. Wonderful work!
2. @lotti_k
This creation filled with wonderful square shapes and white space. Minimal and fabulously interesting!
3. @njskedder_ru
There were so many amazing images effected by brainfeeder!! liked this one especially because of the use of AGENCY on the legs, elongating them and adding to the movement within the image. Really fantastic.
A special mention to everyone who made an effort to participate this week, FUN!
The Cr8ors of Decim8nday [ @_suzanne_ and @david_baer ] and I thank you, Paloma, for participating this week – we hope to do it again in the future!
Stay tuned as we welcome Lanie, @momma2max, as guest editor for week 6.
by Rebecca Cornwell | Sep 16, 2012 | Showcases, Sunday Blues Edit

Rebecca: This week when Izzy and I looked through the #sundaybluesedit tag together, I began to realize what an amazing evolution we have made. I worried about giving up some ownership of the tag but she has seamlessly integrated and breathed new life into the blues with the freshest of ideas and brand new eyes. We both feel incredibly honored that our bluesers bring their most personal moments and emotions to the tag. Choosing features is still every bit as difficult with two as it was with one but being able to bounce ideas and thoughts off each other helps bring focus to the goal of the #sundaybluesedit. We mutually love this image of Helen’s for reasons we most likely share. We are all three mothers to small children. There are times when you view your children in an incredibly clear light. You see them moving away from you to independence. It’s a bittersweet emotion that fills a parent with both pride and sadness. This image of Helen’s perfectly illustrates that feeling. If you have children, take a moment and look at them clearly today. Feel the pride of what you have accomplished as they take their baby steps away from you. Happy Sunday.
Helen: The picture is of my daughter and firstborn, Roisin. Emotions have been running high in our home of late, as she has just hit the monumental milestone of starting nursery at our local primary school. I took this photo on a windy walk at a local beauty spot on the day before her first full school session. Seeing her stood at the edge of the valley staring out at the landscape seemed to capture perfectly the mood of the moment – my little girl about to embark on a new adventure on her own.
Throughout my life I have always needed a creative outlet. Be it sketching, writing, music or crafting, I cannot remember a time when I didn’t have a little project on the go. When I became a mother 3 years ago I found, like every other parent, that my ‘me’ time was significantly reduced, even more so when we added to our brood last year. The discovery of Instagram and mobile photography was a wonderful revelation for me. A fulfilling creative outlet, which fits perfectly around family life: I snap away during the day and edit when my babes are in bed. I joined Instagram in February this year- before this I had always admired photography but never knew a thing about it. Mobile photography got under my skin from the word ‘go’ – I photograph and edit every day without fail, as well as finding inspiration and learning from the amazing talent on IG. I am starting to find my style now. People often describe my photos as ‘vintage’ or ‘dreamlike’ – I simply try to color them with the emotion that I feel in those moments. I have had such a steep and wonderful learning curve – long may it continue.
Take some time and view Helen’s wonderful evolution on Instagram at user name @littlerose81.
by Anna Cox | Sep 16, 2012 | Showcases
When starting the still life lounge, #stilllifelounge, Jen (@ikebana_jen) and I (@annacox) took into account the beauty of the mundane. The objects you see everyday but pass over for cityscapes or similar grandiose shots. The lounge is a place where we slow down and take in the details. The themes change weekly and vary widely. We do hope you will join our little community.
This week our theme was bicycles and our highlights are from Russell, @russelldlight and Wei, @dubster_
It’s a montage of two photos I took last week in London, one on Old Street and the other at the British Museum. I posted them separately on IG, then noticed the similarity between the shapes and started playing with it. I montaged them in Sketchbook, then used Snapseed to make the image b/w, increased contrast, changed the white balance and darkened the edges. Both images had been squared up using FrontView, which meant aligning them in the montage, gave a nice banded effect.
To see more of Russell’s work:
IG: @russelldlight
twitter: russelldlight

In fastpaced Singapore, bikes are usually used for recreation or for the short trip from the home to the train station/supermarket. Bike racks have been installed all over but cyclists are still a minority. There has been efforts to make our city greener by encouraging biking but the high rate of accidents, lack of safe riding tracks (latest from the government “no go for cycling lanes on the road”) have deterred most.Walked past this and half of the rack was barely filled. Just brings to mind how we Singaporeans have been too accustomed to the aircon comforts of our wide network of trains, buses and cabs, and of course, the hideously expensive cars.
I guess bikes will always be reserved for those who have realised that a slower pace in life might bring more good versus those those who have been brought up with the constant need to be more efficient/stronger/faster/richer.
It’s a running joke amongst my friends that I can’t cycle… well the older I grow, the need to learn grows. I want to learn to slow down my pace and take in the moment while the world zooms me by. I’ll start… soon.
To see more of Wei’s work”
IG: @dubster_
To see our new theme check @annacox or @ikebana_jen (both on Instagram) for details on Sundays
by Bridgette | Sep 12, 2012 | Showcases
Welcome to week 4 of #Decim8nday’s Decim8 This.
Every Sunday @Decim8nday will post an original / unedited image submitted by our guest editor of the week.
Decim8ors are to:
> Screenshot the image and save to their camera roll
> Decim8 the image using any singular or combination of effects
> We ask that no other apps are used and that images are processed only with the Decim8 app
> List each effect used and hashtag it with #Decim8nday and #Decim8nday_( guest editor’s username)
> Post by Tuesday, 9:00 AM PST for a chance to get featured here and on @Decim8nday Wednesday!
On Wednesday we’ll announce the guest editor’s top 3 images!
This week we welcome fellow Decim8or @vsalus as guest editor!
This is his original photo…

and here are his selections:

1. @ketusake_gi
2. @smmmm
3. @buzz777
Victor has a few words to say about this week’s highlights:
1. @katusake_gi
I love the density of this image and boldness of the colors.
2. @smmmm
Nice monochrome!
3. @buzz777
“a digital tapestry”
The Cr8ors of Decim8nday [ @_suzanne_ and @david_baer ] thank you, Victor, for participating this week – we hope to do it again in the future!
Stay tuned as we welcome Paloma, @thewhitedove, as guest editor for week 5.
by Anna Cox | Sep 9, 2012 | Showcases
When starting the still life lounge, #stilllifelounge, Jen (@ikebana_jen) and I (@annacox) took into account the beauty of the mundane. The objects you see everyday but pass over for cityscapes or similar grandiose shots. The lounge is a place where we slow down and take in the details. Our theme this week was vegetables and our highlight is from Jane, @janeoako

My husband was preparing our food and i was looking for something to shoot for the week’s hipstaroll combo. I guess I got the inspiration from him. Before he could slice them up, I took a close up shot using the hipstamatic camera app with the tejas and canocafenol combo set- Jane
To see our new theme check @annacox or @ikebana_jen for details
by Rebecca Cornwell | Sep 9, 2012 | Showcases, Sunday Blues Edit
This sunday I want to introduce you an amazing artist @_giorgopoliti_ . George , Like me is and artist of self introspection who lays it all out in his work. If you look chronologically through is feed, you can follow his life and feel but ups and downs. On top of his brilliance and an emotional thinker, he is a master of the edit. His skills are beyond those most of us editors dream of having.
This week I’ve made another giant leap in my ever growing tag. I’ve added a real partner to the group to help share the amazing growth of the tag and aid in giving it the attention it deserves. Her name is Izzy and she goes by the profile name @elvisandme. Like George and me, Izzy doesn’t shy from real life emotion. Maybe thats how we chose this incredible image together?
I encourage you to take a long stroll through George’s stream. You will come away with a different understanding of what it means to be human. Happy Sunday and please help me welcome Izzy to the team. So far she has been the best of lifesavers.
n. pl. met·a·mor·pho·ses
A marked change in appearance, character, condition, or function.
I find it hard to explain what I do… I am my own worst critic… My work is random and deeply personal. I sometimes feel that it is way too revealing but it is also a means of showing my fears and pushing my boundaries. It is a self exploratory exercise in creating little instances of time, within a small frame, which express how I’m feeling – a form of mindscape therapy. It is this internal struggle that defines my work and is part of the overall creative process.
By accident I stumbled into mobile photography while discovering the capabilities of the camera. I found the possibilities to twist reality endless. That was roughly a year and a half ago.
For me, mobile photography is a form of expression – an extension of identity. I work with layers to instill a mood, a feeling, a sense of mystery, a dark narrative. If it connects with others, it is completely unintentional and a bonus. Each piece is an unanswered question – a stepping stone of exploration.
While coming to terms with my grief and trying to make sense of my father’s passing 6 months ago, I stopped creating. Time stood still. I did not have the energy nor the inclination. I turned to visual documentation and chasing light, focussing on the moment rather than the process.
The fog has lifted a little and I’ve started twisting reality again. I used the #sundaybluesedit to push me back into creating those little instances of time, to challenge my fears and play with them again.
“Metamorphoses” comes from the Greek word “transformations”. It pretty much sums up my current situation and encapsulates the overall theme of my work.
“The demons are innumerable, arrive at the most inappropriate times, and create panic and terror… but I have learned that if I can master the negative forces and harness them to my chariot, then they can work to my advantage….” Ingmar Bergman
Many thanks Rebecca and Juxt
You can see more of George’s perfect work at;
iphoneart –
flickr –
eyem – _giorgopoliti_