Abraham Carrasco Hidalgo, Mexico
Artist Statement
Toda mi vida se resume en una sola pregunta
¿Podemos tener una idea de algo y no acertar a formarnos una imagen de ese algo?
Soy teólogo y toda mi vida me he puesto a pensar como lo que tenemos delante de nosotros es solo una interpretación de la cultura y formas en las que fuimos educados por contextos completamente distintos y cada fotografía que observamos tendrá siempre un significado distinto al real.
Me gusta la saturación de emociones dentro de una imagen, el discurso movil es la forma más integra que he encontrado a la hora de plasmarlo pues viene conmigo y forma paralela a las emociones que vivo día con día, es por ello que el retrato me apasiona, por como el sujeto a retratar es realmente quien te ofrece la fotografía y tu estado de animo es quien le da la acentuación al mismo.
Mis apps favoritas son:
Soy de esos que creen que la estética de la una fotografía proviene del interior de cada uno.
My life is summed up in a single question:
Can have an idea of something and not build a picture of that something?
I am a theologian, and all my life I have started to think about how what we have in front of us is just an interpretation of the culture and ways in which we were brought up by completely different contexts; and each photograph will always have a meaning different from the real. Like the saturation of emotions within an image, mobile speech integrates that which I have found time to translate as it comes with me and parallel to the emotions lived day by day. This is why I love the portrait, as a subject that really gives you a picture and state of mood and is the one that gives the accentuation to the same.
My favorite apps are:
I am of those who believe that the aesthetics of the one photograph comes from the inside of each one.

Portraits of a Distant Reality
For 6 months trip by the Otomi - Tepehua, Indian zone of the state of Hidalgo, Mexico area. Most people who allowed me to portray their faces do not speak Spanish. They have their own native language. They harvest coffee,corn, peas, beans etc ... The small stories...
i carry your heart: Ephemeral Summer with the Grryo Contributors
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
My Small Way
Actopan is one of the communities near the city of Pachuca which is the capital of the State of Hidalgo, in Mexico. The name ‘Actopan’ comes from the Otomí: Man’uts’i and means my small way. On the 13 July 2015, they held the 469th anniversary of the founding of the town, a tradition which they continue every year. This is where my story begins of how Don Juan Erbinio Pérez López worked for more than 40 years in the very heart of this fair.