David Brandy | Toronto, Canada
Artist Statement
It all started in a 10,000 Watt radio station. Really!
I started my career in broadcasting and then spent 25 years in marketing communications and live event creation. I’ve been a writer, producer, Creative Director and eventually started my own agency which existed for ten yeas. I’ve always loved photography and was involved in hiring and directing many photographers for projects, but I didn’t start shooting seriously until I put a Nikon DSLR in my hand six years ago.
Today, be they photos of everyday objects or places, I love to capture transient moments that evoke a feeling of disquieting strangeness. Imagine an instance where something can be seen as both beautiful yet alien at the same time. That’s the end result I strive for – the opposite of what is familiar.
I believe the camera shows us that beauty can be strange and the strange can be beautiful. This mantra guides my storytelling, be it visual or written.

Love Turns to Rust
My love for photography turned to rust, quite literally, on April 6, 2014. I remember the moment well. It was mid-morning on a frosty Sunday and I was standing on a muddy driveway that led toward McLean’s Auto Wreckers in Rockwood, Ontario, about an hour northwest of...
Empty Seats
What you are about to read are disparate and fictional short stories I have written to coincide with images that are part of a series of photographs of mine entitled “Empty Seats”. The series embraces the enigma of everyday objects that are specifically created by and...