

My life is extraordinarily ordinary, which is just the way I like it. I homeschool my son, take care of my family, and reach out to hurting women in the adult entertainment industry. A regular day consists of coffee, school books, and trying to improve my sons world view. One of the main lessons I teach everyday is that the details matter. No matter how large or how small they seem. There is beauty in the details and with an eye that sees the beauty knowledge usually follows close behind. I used this onion to represent our lives and steps we take everyday. Life is layers of experiences and depending on what your core is determines what your layers are made from. I want my son to have a rich, inviting presence to those around him. I want him to add to the situations he is in and not distract from them. ย His life needs a texture that is beautiful when the light hits it, not perfect but beautiful all the same. The onion is a perfect lesson for anyone. When it’s cut it, it brings tears to your eyes but when it is used for a purpose it adds aroma and flavor that had been lacking. People are the same as an onion. While we are being cut and molded for use we mess up but once we are doing what we were made to do we add to the experience and the tears fade away.

About Author

Anna Cox
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