by Bridgette | Feb 27, 2013 | Showcases
Welcome to Week 25 of #Decim8nday’s Decim8 This.
Every Sunday @Decim8nday will post an original / unedited image submitted by our guest editor of the week.
Decim8ors are to:
- Screenshot the image and save to their camera roll
- Decim8 the image using any singular or combination of effects
- We ask that no other apps are used and that images are processed only with the Decim8 app
- List each effect used and hashtag it with #Decim8nday and #Decim8this_( guest editor’s username)
- Post by Tuesday, 9:00 AM PST for a chance to get featured here and on @Decim8nday Wednesday!
This week we welcome @smmmm as guest editor!
About her original image:
This was shot using Hipstamatic (I generally use Hipstamatic ,95% of the time to shoot) in Barcelona last November. I saw this building and had to capture it. Love the lines and shapes and had imagined it would be a fantastic image to Decim8. Since I have yet to do so, I thought it would be fun to see what everyone else produced!

Her top 3 Decim8-ions are:

1. @susetoo
Love the use of beamrider here as well as the fact that I can see my image behind the darkness. Probably because I keep coming back to stare at this image ; ) Well done!!
2. @paiper_mache
I absolutely love what was done here. Especially with brainfeeder… A city was created and we all became visitors. Fabulous!
3. @lotti_k
Another image I kept coming back to… Love the monochromatic simplicity… Excellent!!
The Cr8ors of Decim8nday [ @suz4nne_ and @david_baer ] and I thank you, @smmmm, for playing along this week! We hope you’ll participate again soon!
Stay tuned next week as Davids [ @drmeid ] takes the editor’s seat for week 26.
by Bridgette | Feb 20, 2013 | Showcases
Welcome to Week 24 of #Decim8nday’s Decim8 This.
Every Sunday @Decim8nday will post an original / unedited image submitted by our guest editor of the week.
Decim8ors are to:
- Screenshot the image and save to their camera roll
- Decim8 the image using any singular or combination of effects
- We ask that no other apps are used and that images are processed only with the Decim8 app
- List each effect used and hashtag it with #Decim8nday and #Decim8this_( guest editor’s username)
- Post by Tuesday, 9:00 AM PST for a chance to get featured here and on @Decim8nday Wednesday!
This week we welcome G, [ @hipstashutter ], as guest editor!
About the image:
“Hold Tight” – this is one of the famous Love Stories Mural art from Steven Powers. I really love these Mural Arts from Philly. There are many of them, and they’re beautiful.
Taken with Hipstamatic combo LuciferVI + BlackKeys Supergrain, no flash.

His top 3 Decim8-ions are:

1. @slyy_o
This image amazed me with the appearance of skulls. Wonderful job there Simon!
2. @crystalmoody
Don’t ask, don’t tell, the hands up in the air is fantastic! The Veth effect really works well here.
3. @miketeller
I really love this edit, very artistic, a beautiful piece of art. L225 is excellent!
The Cr8ors of Decim8nday [ @suz4nne_ and @david_baer ] and I thank you, G, for playing along this week! We hope you’ll participate again soon!
Stay tuned next week as @smmmm takes the editor’s seat for week 25.
by Anna Cox | Feb 17, 2013 | Showcases

When I see oranges, especially at Christmas Time, I think of my father. He was born in 1943. He always used to tell us how at Christmas Times all they used to get was an orange. And that it was a huge treat for him and his 3 siblings. He always used to quarrel about the material aspect of that Time of year.

My Dad was a school teacher who went into “l’école normale” – the French Institution where you had to study to become a teacher – at a young age… He loved what he did and cared about his students. He had tons of note books with lesson plans, drawings, and songs. I found in his stuff some of his old students’ notebooks

He left France at the age of 21 to come to a tiny Island in the Caribbean that no one ever heard about, leaving the life he knew for the unknown. At the time there was not much in St Martin, electricity in some parts, not much cars, not much anything. It was 1964, St Martin was poor financially but the people welcomed him with open arms and even fed him and housed him during a few months before his pay money followed. He and 2 of his colleagues were the first “white Europeans” to come live there. At first he taught all subjects to children from various ages. Then a few years later he became a French teacher at the High school. He was a hard but good teacher. I know because he taught me 🙂

My father was passionate about everything from animals to photography. I grew up in a house full of aquariums (wall to wall), with birds singing, plants and flowers all over. My Dad also played football, had a radio show, organized a Movie Night and so on. He used to get old reels from all over. He loved Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin. He loved music and songs, he never played any instruments but he sang well. He ended up staying longer than he thought on that small island. He fell in love with my Mom, got married and had 2 children.

His old students still remember him. As I said he was tough but just. His students respected him. It is no wonder because doing this essay, I have been digging in his stuff and found some books full of pictures and notes about his students, about the “where” and “how” they lived, if they had difficulties at home that could affect them at school, if they needed help in any area and so on. He respected his students too and he cared for them as well. These note books are dated from 1970.

My dad is no longer with us, He passed away in April 28, 2010 from liver failure, he was 67. He had been in and out of the hospital. Towards the end he told us he wanted to stay at there. I think he didn’t want to burden us by staying at Home and having us taking care of him. He died with his children and wife around him. I miss him. He was opiniated and he always wanted to be right, he told lame Jokes at Times but he loved us, even if he wasn’t shown love growing up. He was a people’s person, he could make friends with anyone, talk with them about anything, so unlike me. He could also fix anything: from a broken pipe to a broken fan. He was a good Man. He was my Dad.

Je voudrais oublier le temps Pour un soupir pour un instant Une parenthèse après la course Et partir où mon cœur me pousse Je voudrais retrouver mes traces Où est ma vie où est ma place Et garder l’or de mon passé Au chaud dans mon jardin secret
Je voudrais décrocher la lune, Je voudrais même sauver la Terre Mais avant tout je voudrais parler à mon père Parler à mon père… C. Dion”
“I would like to forget the time For a sigh for an instant A parenthesis after the race And depart where my heart pushes me
I would like to find again my traces Where is my life where is my place And keep* the gold of my past In the warmness of my secret garden
I would like to take down the moon, I would as well like to save the Earth But before everything else I would like to talk to my father Talk to my father.
To see the original story by Nat or to read other stories click here
by Bridgette | Feb 13, 2013 | Showcases, You Are Juxt
Welcome to Week 23 of #Decim8nday’s Decim8 This.
Every Sunday @Decim8nday will post an original / unedited image submitted by our guest editor of the week.
Decim8ors are to:
- Screenshot the image and save to their camera roll
- Decim8 the image using any singular or combination of effects
- We ask that no other apps are used and that images are processed only with the Decim8 app
- List each effect used and hashtag it with #Decim8nday and #Decim8this_( guest editor’s username)
- Post by Tuesday, 9:00 AM PST for a chance to get featured here and on @Decim8nday Wednesday!
This week I, [ @bridgettesxo ], had the pleasure of being guest editor!
About this photo: The Seattle Great Wheel.
Took this pic while standing at the base of the Wheel on a gray, overcast day.
Shot with Hipstamatic combo Jane + Blanko Freedom13 and then #wicked_flip‘ed.

My top 3 Decim8-ions:

Choosing 3 top Decim8-ions to my original Seattle Great Wheel image proved to be a tough task. There were so many fantastic entries for this week’s #decim8this_bridgettesxo that narrowing it down to 3 was challenging; but alas, here are my favorites (in no particular order):
1. @doppel_ganger
These clean, straight lines are a definite eye-catcher. The way they repeat in this claw-like manner makes this Decim8-ion hard to miss. It’s trippy and neat at the same time. Uber cool and my kind of Decim8-ion!
2. @cyner_g
This image resembles some sort of American Indian artwork. And, the way the white triangles line up remind me of tee-pees. The rich, bold color and lines are what really draw me to this – fantastic!
3. @stesh22
If I were to dissect the Wheel, then this is exactly what it would look like. The way it’s divided into perfect sections as if chopping it up on a board while maintaining it’s core components is brilliant. Totally love it – simple and effective!
Thank you David and Suzanne for giving me the opportunity to be in the editor’s seat this week. After seeing (and posting) all of the excellent entries week after week here on the JUXT blog, it was nice to get more involved.
One last thing… I couldn’t just settle for 3 so will post another 4 of my faves in my personal gallery. Again, a BIG thank you to those who participated – it was great to see some new Decim8-ors join in too!
by Anna Cox | Feb 10, 2013 | Showcases

Backspaces Showcase: The Places Inside of Us with abbeynormal
About AbbeyNormal
Originally from Georgia (where I studied graphic art at UWG) but currently residing at Fort Campbell, KY where my husband is an active duty soldier. I’m a self-proclaimed artist and stay-at-home mom to our two little boys, ages 5 and 2. This past summer I was thrilled when an editor from the Military Times wrote an article about Instagram and published one of my photos … thus began my crushing addiction to mobile artistry. I know very little about traditional photography but have come to realize that possibilities for editing mobile photos via my “pocket computer” are endless.
To see more of Abbey’s work click here.
by Bridgette | Feb 6, 2013 | Showcases, You Are Juxt
Welcome to Week 22 of #Decim8nday’s Decim8 This.
Every Sunday @Decim8nday will post an original / unedited image submitted by our guest editor of the week.
Decim8ors are to:
- Screenshot the image and save to their camera roll
- Decim8 the image using any singular or combination of effects
- We ask that no other apps are used and that images are processed only with the Decim8 app
- List each effect used and hashtag it with #Decim8nday and #Decim8this_( guest editor’s username)
- Post by Tuesday, 9:00 AM PST for a chance to get featured here and on @Decim8nday Wednesday!
This week we welcome Jennifer [ @jenniferherbig1 ] as guest editor!
About Jennifer: Personally, I’m 1 part Disney/Pollyanna & 1 part Dramatic-Dark/Dexter loving kinda girl. I started out my life as a dancer/choreographer, turned singer/songwriter – under the artist name – a girl named jaen ( : I just released an album last year and EP this past month – check it out by searching my sets/albums on Soundcloud, iTunes, Amazon etc.) & now photographer. Therefore, I’m passionate about all kinds of art and especially artists who push boundaries and break ‘rules!’. I feel so fortunate to have been introduced to this community and I’m looking forward to getting to know more of you.
About the image: Decim8 this classic! I had the pleasure of meeting David and so many other wonderful Igers this past week at Macworld in San Francisco; some of whose work I’ve been admiring for some time now, like at @poppybay & @punkrawkpurl – Not only was the event inspiring; but so was the city. So, I chose to shoot the iconic Transamerica Building. I thought it would be a challenge to present a really geometric but minimalistic image and see how we all use Kris’s app to completely transform it! Plus, with Decim8nday suggesting we use several Decim8 effects, the skies the limit. I also chose to shoot this classic structure with the now classic Hipstamatic combo, JohnS lens & Inas1969 Film. This lens always gives such rich color.

Her top 3 Decim8-ions are:

Hi all! I have so much respect for all of you fabulous artists that participated this week! It was my pleasure and honor to be guest editor! I felt a big sense of responsibility to examine and re-examine to make sure I chose and spoke from the heart. It has been mentioned many times and I concur, that this week has had so many outstanding entries; therefore, I was granted the ability to choose a total of 6 (Top 3 & 3 honorable mentions).
Please Pardon my giving a name to each piece; but as a writer it’s my way of describing what I see and feel! Congrats all! Here we go…
1. @smmmm
“San Francisco Matrix 2080” – The darkness, depth & detail of this image is mesmerizing.
2. @cecilyc
“Carnival Boardwalk, Happy, USA” – To me this image created a whole new town. The complexity, motion & transformation is fantastic.
3. @benthicnash
“Mono-City Drive-By” – This beauty is so mono-minimal, yet graphically strong & I wanna visit! See the face on the left watching over his town”.
3 honorable mentions:

4. @theoriginalmiss
“We’re Leaving this rock behind!” – Love this crazy texture & surreal chaos.
5. @calzangre
“Goodbye San Francisco!” – Oh, the rich color, the terror.
6. @mudsock
“Never Forget” – Too deep to fully describe this simple but powerful surreal juxtaposition of happy blue sky & dark mournful memories! Crazy random Decim8.
The Cr8ors of Decim8nday [ @suz4nne_ and @david_baer ] and I thank you, Jennifer, for playing along this week! We hope you’ll participate again soon!
Stay tuned next week as I, [ @bridgettesxo ], take the editor’s seat for week 23 :]
by Bridgette | Jan 30, 2013 | Showcases, You Are Juxt
Welcome to Week 21 of #Decim8nday’s Decim8 This.
Every Sunday @Decim8nday will post an original / unedited image submitted by our guest editor of the week.
Decim8ors are to:
- Screenshot the image and save to their camera roll
- Decim8 the image using any singular or combination of effects
- We ask that no other apps are used and that images are processed only with the Decim8 app
- List each effect used and hashtag it with #Decim8nday and #Decim8this_( guest editor’s username)
- Post by Tuesday, 9:00 AM PST for a chance to get featured here and on @Decim8nday Wednesday!
This week we welcome the LightBomber team [ @lighbomberapp ] as guest editors!
This is their original image:

And their top 3 Decim8-ions:

“Wow what a great bunch of submissions! Since LightBomber is a TEAM effort, our three choices come from 3 different team members.”
1. @jouissances chosen by Ryan (Co-Founder. Personal IG: @warnberh)
“Lately I’ve been feeling the edits that go waaaay abstract, and this one was perfect. It has the right aesthetic balance and the colors against the negative space just WORK. Like we just missed the head of a comet streaking across the sky, leaving only the trails.”
2. @bowandaarow chosen by Michelle (Co-Founder. Personal IG: @michellemcswain)
“Well, Ryan already picked my favorite, but I still love this one. I love the colors and the 8-bit look it has with the giant pixels….really breaks the photo down, yet you can still see the light streaks.”
3. @_suz4nne_ chosen by Chelsea (Community Manager. Personal IG: @cchelsbels)
“This one is amazing. I love how there is a little symmetry to it in the middle, along with that great purple shape. I also really like how you can still tell it was definitely a LightBomber shot originally.”
“Thanks for everyone who submitted and thanks to @vizualiz for the great shot. This was an insanely hard decision to make. If only you could have seen the epic discussion we had via text after seeing these! Make sure to get LightBomber in the app store via the link in our profile (shameless plug alert!) and keep #decim8 -ing your pics!”.
The Cr8ors of Decim8nday [ @suz4nne_ and @david_baer ] and I thank our friends over at LightBomber App for playing along with us. We hope to do it again in the future!
Stay tuned as we welcome Jennifer [ @JenniferHerbig1 ] to the editor’s seat for week 22.
by Bridgette | Jan 24, 2013 | Showcases
Welcome to Week 20 of #Decim8nday’s Decim8 This.
Every Sunday @Decim8nday will post an original / unedited image submitted by our guest editor of the week.
Decim8ors are to:
- Screenshot the image and save to their camera roll
- Decim8 the image using any singular or combination of effects
- We ask that no other apps are used and that images are processed only with the Decim8 app
- List each effect used and hashtag it with #Decim8nday and #Decim8this_( guest editor’s username)
- Post by Tuesday, 9:00 AM PST for a chance to get featured here and on @Decim8nday Wednesday!
This week we welcome Kris (@movax), cr8or of the Decim8 app, as guest editor!
About his original photo:
This is a photo of my good friend Byron. He’s a brilliant songwriter, singer, DJ and guitar player who’s about to drop his first solo album under the moniker No Caption. I like that name. It’s like that with Decim8. We create art that is not easy to describe; we enjoy things that are beyond a caption, much like Byron’s music. He just joined Instagram under the name “junglebyron“. Show him some love.

His top 3 Decim8-ions are:

1. @thomastissot
This is just awesome. I love the ultra minimal stuff people like @Tind have been doing. This one jumped out at me because its not only a nice minimal image, but SO different from the original. I’ve really been into trying different effects combinations for super graphic minimalism and can appreciate this look.
2. @humanstatic
This one lives the spirit of the original photo by bringing a punk rock decim8-tion style. The hard direction, strong primary colors and streaks. This works as a treatment to the original. I like the one, single lonely line on the left. It adds a counterbalance to the piece. ROCK!
3. @dragana_s
Love this because as dragana_s says, it looks like some boss beetle from a Sega Genesis game or something. I’ve always been a fan of that sprite art and it’s cool when Decim8 simulates that.
The Cr8ors of Decim8nday [ @suz4nne_ and @david_baer ] and I thank you, Kris, for stepping in this week! It’s always an awesome time when you’re in the mix!
Stay tuned as we welcome our friends over at LightBomber [ @lightbomberapp ] to the editor’s seat for week 22.
by Anna Cox | Jan 17, 2013 | Featured Articles, Showcases

In Sickness and Health: A Photographic Essay by Rose Sherwood
Photos are from top left to right
1. This is my husband, this photo was taken last week. Last April he had a bone marrow transplant. He had endured non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma since Dec. 2000. The doctors recommended that it was time for the bone marrow transplant because his lymphoma had transformed into MDS and then it would change into leukemia and then there would be no turning back….
2. The earlier image showed my husband out and about ona daily walk that we take. He is slowly building up his stamina and we have routinely established a relative normalcy within our lives.we are able to go out to restaurants but I know that he continues to worry about how little progress he has made.
3. Most of the time during T.’s recovery has been spent on this couch. I use my time photographing the light and shadows around him. T. is a half-glass empty kind of person, I guess we are opposites as far as this is concerned because I like to be optimistic…. Being hopeful has always worked for me, but my character has been tested through these times of what should be “the golden years”….
4. The journey that my husband is on is also one that I am part of. It has tested my patience and my faith. I always feel that if you resist what comes to you then you will have a harder time moving forward in your life. Acceptance tends to be an easier path to navigate even when the going is tough. I pray to the God of my understanding, to be more patient with T. but God has taken a lot of time in granting me that attribute. I have not been patient and I get angry with both T.and myself…. I guess it’s my failing and, perhaps,resistance in totally accepting things as they are. The light is so close but so far away….
5. This is howT. and I have been spending at least one day every week. This is the infusion room at the Wilmot Cancer Center. T. has infusions to prevent him from becoming dehydrated and to help him maintain stability. Having so much time in the hospital, has given me the space to reflect on this time i my life. Wearejuxt both becoming older. I feel the effects of the years. I continue to be hopeful towards the future.
6. In turning back and really looking at what time has presented us with, August was the toughest time for T. he had been diagnosed with a gall bladder that was not doing it’s job and it had to be removed. Up to that point,he had been quite ill. The assaults of the gall bladder attacks set his health back.i was worried, but he needed to confront this problem head on,this truly was his journey Nd I became an off-to-the-side presence.
7. A decision to continue….when you Re documenting a journey, there are expected ups and downs that must be met. As a photographer, an artist, and as a human being you must make a decision as to how much of yourself you share with your audience. How much do you reveal? And do the surrounding times and circumstances hold you back? The past few days have been anxious,but I share the trials of our journey because there is hope within the times of hopelessness…. I looking.
8. It is time to continue to look back, over this last year, at the personal journeys that I have taken with my husband. This summer was very tenuous and I spent much of it worrying about whether he would get better or not. I questioned my faith daily, I questioned my strength and courage to continue. I truly believe that one must meet face-to-face, the conquests and the conflicts that come to you and accept them, without resistance, whatever they may be. Ther are blessings in the tumultuous time. I gained an active ability to have conversations about how I believe, what I believe and I became spiritually resilient. There is a grand design to living our lives and you must journey forth and take an active part in seeking it….
Thank you Rose @rmsherwood for allowing us to come on your journey through this with you and your husband. You story inspires and the Juxt family is sending you both love and health.
by Bridgette | Jan 16, 2013 | Showcases
Welcome to Week 19 of #Decim8nday’s Decim8 This.
Every Sunday @Decim8nday will post an original / unedited image submitted by our guest editor of the week.
Decim8ors are to:
- Screenshot the image and save to their camera roll
- Decim8 the image using any singular or combination of effects
- We ask that no other apps are used and that images are processed only with the Decim8 app
- List each effect used and hashtag it with #Decim8nday and #Decim8this_( guest editor’s username)
- Post by Tuesday, 9:00 AM PST for a chance to get featured here and on @Decim8nday Wednesday!
On Wednesday we’ll announce the guest editor’s top 3 images!
This week we welcome Victor, @revenant_vic, as guest editor!
This is his original photo…

and here are his selections…

1. @knoxmomi
2. @jouissances
3. @cecilyc
Here’s what Victor has to say about his picks this week:
Well that was fun. First of all, it seems my original photo was well received. Thank you for that. However, the only problem is that there are so many great images that narrowing my choice to 20 would be hard enough, never mind picking just three. So here goes, in no particular order. I will start with…
1. @knoxmomi
stained glass window from a church on a planet orbiting Alpha Centauri. What deities do they worship there….
2. @jouissances
I love the psychedelic Persian carpet/Scottish tartan/hypnagogic hallucination feel of it.
3. @cecilyc’s mysterious face.
I love the blues and tan colors generated by Decim8.
But honestly, I loved pretty much every image submitted to this challenge.
Many thanks to Suzanne for putting me up to this, and thank you everyone. Keep on Decim8ing!
The Cr8ors of Decim8nday [ @_suzanne_ and @david_baer ] and I thank you, Victor, for participating this week – we hope to do it again in the future!
Stay tuned as we welcome Kris [ @movax ], cr8or of the Decim8 app, to the editor’s seat for week 20.
by Bridgette | Jan 10, 2013 | Showcases
Welcome to Week 18 of #Decim8nday’s Decim8 This.
Every Sunday @Decim8nday will post an original / unedited image submitted by our guest editor of the week.
Decim8ors are to:
- Screenshot the image and save to their camera roll
- Decim8 the image using any singular or combination of effects
- We ask that no other apps are used and that images are processed only with the Decim8 app
- List each effect used and hashtag it with #Decim8nday and #Decim8this_( guest editor’s username)
- Post by Tuesday, 9:00 AM PST for a chance to get featured here and on @Decim8nday Wednesday!
On Wednesday we’ll announce the guest editor’s top 3 images!
This week we welcome Fred, njskedder_ru, as guest editor!
This is his original photo…

“I snapped this pic in Philadelphia on New Year’s day. These guys and gals are on their way back to their clubhouse after their strut up Broad Street in the Mummers Parade. The Mummers Parade has been a Philadelphia tradition since 1901. I’m sure these guys (and gals) felt pretty Decim8ed on January 2nd. But let’s see what we can do to them this week!!” – Fred
and here are his selections…
1. @buzz777
2. @karibaskets
3. @rafael_m_k
This is what Fred had to say about his picks:
Wow! What a hard time it was to pick only three submissions. I liked so many of them I wish I could highlight more.
Thanks to everyone who participated. It’s been fun!!
1. @buzz777
used Graboid and Glassdagger to make this really cool geometric edit. I like the contrasts that are made with the negative effect.
2. @karibaskets
only used one effect: L225 but I really liked the result. The lone figures costume looks like a drape over an animals skin.
3. @rafael_m_k
used Veth and Doctorocular to create a dark version of an otherwise colorful, festive photo. It looks like they are headed into battle.
The Cr8ors of Decim8nday [ @_suzanne_ and @david_baer ] and I thank you, Fred, for participating this week – we hope to do it again in the future!
Stay tuned as we welcome Victor, @revenant_vic, to the editor’s seat for week 19.
by Bridgette | Dec 19, 2012 | Showcases
Welcome to Week 17 of #Decim8nday’s Decim8 This.
Every Sunday @Decim8nday will post an original / unedited image submitted by our guest editor of the week.
Decim8ors are to:
- Screenshot the image and save to their camera roll
- Decim8 the image using any singular or combination of effects
- We ask that no other apps are used and that images are processed only with the Decim8 app
- List each effect used and hashtag it with #Decim8nday and #Decim8this_( guest editor’s username)
- Post by Tuesday, 9:00 AM PST for a chance to get featured here and on @Decim8nday Wednesday!
On Wednesday we’ll announce the guest editor’s top 3 images!
This week we welcome Cecily, @cecilyc, as guest editor!
This is her original photo…
and here are her selections…
1. @postaljeff
2. @paularoo
3. @e_po
Here’s what Cecily has to say about her selections this week:
Such a tough job I had sorting through everyone’s master edits this week! I really had a hard time narrowing it down and want everyone to know that their decim8tions of the old Chrysler were fantastic!! As @rmsherwood said: we all needed the decim8 app today to get out our frustrations!! and I wholeheartedly agree!! I have picked these three:
1. @Postaljeff
Argyle Socks edit! I was immediately drawn to the Argyle pattern in this one. Must be my Scottish roots coming out here! I also like how the Argyle remained on the bottom part of the image turning the car into a “Monster Argyle Chrysler”!! Very well done!
2. @paularoo
The Glassdagger filter is quite special and here it was used beautifully. I feel like it turned the image almost into a silkscreen!! I love the subtle side juxtaposed with the dark purple! And the zigzag pattern reminds me so much of my sewing days with zigzag scissors! Fantastic decim8ing!!
3. @e_po
I love how this edit looks like a quilt for one’s bed!! All those squares with in squares! It also has a hint of Folk Art — which I find so fascinating!!
Beautiful work! I just want to thank everyone for their great work and so happy to be learning more about the app with all of you decim8tors!!!!
Thanks also to David and Suzanne for letting me loose here!! Have a great rest of the week!!
The Cr8ors of Decim8nday [ @_suzanne_ and @david_baer ] and I thank you, Cecily, for participating this week – we hope to do it again in the future!
We will be taking a break during the holiday season and will be back in 2013!
See you in the New Year!